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Thread: 3 X Billy GOATS Grind

  1. #11
    guest Guest

    Re: 3 X Billy GOATS Grind

    I set my pack down to provide somewhat of a rest for my rifle as I set up to shoot. Trying not to alert the Goat, I Laid prone, aiming downhill in a steep position I had never shot from. The Billy laid quartering toward me, I'd have to shoot along side the face to attempt to hit shoulder and lungs. I tried to calm my racing heart as the Goat turned his head and looked directly toward me, I squeezed the trigger and saw sand fly directly behind the target. Darn, cycling another round quickly, the Goat lay motionless. I carefully squeezed again, at the report of the 300 Win, the Billy did a half spin, a right rear leg kick and was dead on the spot. Still to date, has to be one of my quickest kills.
    I again scoped the Goat at the 150 or so yards almost directly below me. I could see blood, running from him into the water that was at his side. I stood up to signal buddy standing high above me, let out a warhoop as I lifted my gun above my head in celebration, then felt the warm trickle of blood running down my face from my brow, my first ever scope bite, I laughed inside and remembered my pops always saying watch out if you ever lay prone downhill as it brings the scope closer then you think. Lesson learned, thanks Dad haha.

    Buddy made it down to me and my Best critter to date, a beautiful Billy. We had done it, each of us had harvested good Billys, in this the third try. We discussed in amazement the access route I had taken to get into shooting position. Sheesh, it seemed crazy the ledges and drops one navigates when focused. We shared in the moment together and reflected back of the plans made years ago to finally be fulfilled with magnificent trophies and memories that would last a life time. We dragged the Bill closer to the water to wash off the red deeds evidence for better pics. It turned out, my first shot, a miss just above the shoulder, the second as he stare at me, right below his right eye, then into the shoulder lungs area out the brisket. He never knew what hit him. With that I was elated.

    Now the the task yet again of deboning, all edible portions, skinning off the hide and head, we stuffed our packs and headed up the hill, just before darness set in. It would be another tough grind out of the drainage to hit the Ridgeline that would lead us to camp. And again, the darness fell and we waited as the moon grew higher and higher into the night sky. Wow, it was like daylight in all open areas, wonderful, using only the lights in the shadows we picked our way along slowly with attention to being careful paramount. And as the night before, we arrived in camp, near midnight. What a day, what a couple of days.

    This time, we hung the meat high again, along with the head and cape and hit the sack. No fire, just smiles all around, water and granola bars. That was supper. Not to far into sleep, we were awakened with a huge flash and the loud crack of thunder not far away. What we witnessed that night after getting out of our bags was something beyond belief. A lightning storm below us, yet it lit up the surroundings, far in the distance, it was like the shock and awe of a bombing raid ! Repeatedly, the flash below with hefty clouds between us followed by the big booms of mountain thunder. Unbelievable! Surprisingly, we stayed dry that night, we never did get rained on. To that we were grateful and finally slept through what was the rest of the night, until morning, and our dreadful decent with packs full of Mountain Goat meat, hides and horns.
    Last edited by guest; 04-03-2017 at 01:03 AM.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    Re: 3 X Billy GOATS Grind

    Awesome, hard work and memories for a lifetime

  3. #13
    guest Guest

    Re: 3 X Billy GOATS Grind

    We woke up after daybreak, in pain and sore from our treks in the hills these last two days. That said we somewhat dreaded our decent down the mountain sides. With a hot coffee and warmth of a morning fire, we ate breakfast, drank as much water as we could and filled our water bottles again from our nearby supply. This was going to be a hell of a hike out and down, each with our own supplies, each with deboned Billy, hides and horns and head yet not caped off my Goat. It would be our heaviest and biggest challenge to date to reach the truck several thousand feet below. The thought of a cool beer or three at the truck helped us to carry on through the deadfall, up and over, over and under, packs on packs off, we pushed on down. Traveling through the corridors of Devils club, patches of mountain blueberries that we feasted upon as we made our way down the hills, this area was covered with fresh bear sign and we made sure we were loaded and ready should any thing happen. Again the alders lay down hill then reached for the sky in effort to find light. They were down right slippery and dangerous to step on which made for some pretty entertaining steps and or close calls as at times we were down right out of control in our efforts to stay upright and afoot. Reaching the open log out, the truck came into view, close but still far, to far. The truck got closer, the beer got closer ...... Yet time took forever. Feet on fire, knees hurting like never before, our heads ready to explode from effort and exhaustion, we got closer yet, only to travel through a final patch of stinging nettles. Really?
    when will this torture end?
    Last edited by guest; 04-03-2017 at 01:05 AM.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Oct 2013

    Re: 3 X Billy GOATS Grind

    Great story Curly. I don't suppose you have pictures you could scan up? I really enjoy photos from the days of plaid and jeans.

  5. #15
    guest Guest

    Re: 3 X Billy GOATS Grind

    Finally reaching the truck, we rid our punished bodies of the game loaded packs, put all the meat, head and hides into the shaded coolers and dam near ran to the creek, soaked cans of beer nearby awaited us and to be honest, the first ones went down with never leaving our lips. Followed by a second, and greatly delicious, appreciated can of gods gift of barley and hops. Never been drunk on two beers before, but that day I was lol.

    What a trip, we had completed our dream, that started some years previous, goals fulfilled. Buddy's Billy was aged at 13 years, had horns just over nine inches as he only had three teeth left in his noggin. The Bio stated just as well he was harvested as would be unlikely to make the winter and the evidence of loss of teeth showed in his lack of horn growth in his later years. What a Dandy! Mine was aged at 8 years, had horns over 8 1/2 inches in length with heavier bases then his comrade from across the mountain.

    in my opinion, Mountain Goats are one of the most under rated of all our big game species here in BC, in Canada, in North America. The respect they deserve is beyond measure. The very ground then inhibit is remarkable to even travel through never mind survive in. It's ever changing landscape of seasons alone, the terrain they frolick, run, play, fight in from birth to time of death is usually not shared with any other animal. Not to disrespect the loved various Mountain Sheep, even they don't go places where some Goats routinely call home. The challenge they can demand from those hunters with the guts to persue them is unparalleled and has cost the lives of some striving to fill a tag. These animals referred to by Capt Cook as Beasts the Color of Winter, continue to thrive in the most beautiful, nastiest, most dangerous landscapes one can find.

    They truly are in my mind ....... The Kings of the Mountains.
    Last edited by guest; 04-03-2017 at 01:08 AM.

  6. #16
    guest Guest

    Re: 3 X Billy GOATS Grind

    Quote Originally Posted by Kopper View Post
    Great story Curly. I don't suppose you have pictures you could scan up? I really enjoy photos from the days of plaid and jeans.
    Not being a techy, a friend has offered to help me post. I hope you have enjoyed the story and the pics to follow.

    Be be careful on them hills folks.

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Mar 2014

    Re: 3 X Billy GOATS Grind

    Great stuff, thanks for sharing. I would agree that sheep are pussies, and goats are hard AF
    The only advantage to a light rifle is it's weight, all other advantages go to the heavier rifle..

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Sep 2011

    Re: 3 X Billy GOATS Grind

    Great wrightup thanks for taking the time to post!! Mountain goats are a addiction, welcome to it! Lookin forward to the photos. Hats off to you and your partners for giving up your hunt, to put down a poacher, good on you guys!! Cheers!

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Region 7

    Re: 3 X Billy GOATS Grind

    Great story Curly Top.

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Nov 2014

    Re: 3 X Billy GOATS Grind

    Really enjoyed reading this thank you.your hike in descriptions brings back memories I try to forget , great job on a home grown trip

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