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Thread: Klappan Blockade -Defense fund for Criminal Charges Against Hunter

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Nov 2005

    Re: Klappan Blockade -Defense fund for Criminal Charges Against Hunter

    Quote Originally Posted by chutineshooter View Post
    Well if you think the First Nation are going to get less rights your wrong, look at the resources the bands are getting control of. I think the best way to deal with a lot of the conflict would be to change the rules so you can only hunt in the management area that you live in. just keep getting more bizarre every post! K

  2. #22
    Join Date
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    The Ville, B.C.

    Re: Klappan Blockade -Defense fund for Criminal Charges Against Hunter

    Quote Originally Posted by chutineshooter View Post
    I think the best way to deal with a lot of the conflict would be to change the rules so you can only hunt in the management area that you live in.
    Classic. Why stop there, let's keep tax dollars local too, why should taxes from southern BC fund a welfare check in Dease?

  3. #23
    Join Date
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    North Vancouver

    Re: Klappan Blockade -Defense fund for Criminal Charges Against Hunter

    Quote Originally Posted by chutineshooter View Post
    I think the best way to deal with a lot of the conflict would be to change the rules so you can only hunt in the management area that you live in.
    Completely disagree. I am a resident of BC, not an MU. Try suggesting that rule to the FN couple recently found guilty of poaching outside their traditional territory.

  4. #24
    Join Date
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    Port Moody

    Re: Klappan Blockade -Defense fund for Criminal Charges Against Hunter

    I am not a lawyer or a police officer nor a judge so I do not know what constitutes an assault but In my opinion I do not see an assault but that is up to the courts to decide. By your ignorant response I come to the conclusion you are in favour of this type of illegal activity and can only imagine what special interest group you represent! Within my group of hunting friends we all have said that if we were to come across that exact situation we would do exactly the same thing he did, I am really getting sick and tired of all this BS this province is for all to enjoy!

  5. #25
    Join Date
    Dec 2010

    Re: Klappan Blockade -Defense fund for Criminal Charges Against Hunter

    only Indians do
    Quote Originally Posted by chutineshooter View Post
    You are way out of line, you are the very reason that First Nations hate residents, have you seen the crap up and down the rivers and trails and the so called cashes that residents leave behind? Are you one if the hunters that goes in and shoots a moose takes the 4 quarters and leaves the rest? You are plain and simply being charged for an illegal activity and when the rest of the world gets into trouble we don't go begging for money.
    There were moose hunters in that area last year useing a drone for spotting.... i am a resident hunter of bc and i question what you are making us all look like.

  6. #26
    Join Date
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    Pitt Meadows

    Re: Klappan Blockade -Defense fund for Criminal Charges Against Hunter

    Quote Originally Posted by chutineshooter View Post
    Well if you think the First Nation are going to get less rights your wrong, look at the resources the bands are getting control of. I think the best way to deal with a lot of the conflict would be to change the rules so you can only hunt in the management area that you live in.
    Posted at 8:08 whew i just stopped laughing thanks for that LMAO

    “I prefer the saddle to the streetcar and star sprinkled sky to a roof, the obscure and difficult trail, leading into the unknown, to any paved highway, and the deep peace of the wild to the discontent bred by cities…it is enough that I am surrounded by beauty.”
    - Everett Ruess

  7. #27
    Join Date
    Jun 2010

    Re: Klappan Blockade -Defense fund for Criminal Charges Against Hunter

    This thread has lock written all over it so I will get a comment in while I can.

    Chutineshooter, your comments come with an attitude of anger and frustration.
    I think I understand why.
    I take no offence regardless of my perception and personal views.

    If FN wants to control natural resources where is the line in the sand?
    Who has the right to control roadblocks.....where does it end?

    If someone was to set up a rd check going into Walmart and had a self perceived "right" to refuse access to certain users and could use whatever means with immunity for public safety......slippery slope.

    All I care is about wildlife, it's future and sustainability.
    Creating conflict and polarizing stakeholders just drives the wedge deeper.

    I had a friend that had a shotgun pointed to his head trying to go to his cabin up Apex ski resort by a FN member at a FN rd check a number of yrs ago.
    RCMP watched.
    Took pictures and did nothing.
    Where's the line?

    I'm all in favor of keeping dangerous weapons out of the hands of fools. Let's start with keyboards and forums. - F L Wright

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  8. #28
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    Re: Klappan Blockade -Defense fund for Criminal Charges Against Hunter

    I think the special status troll is trying to get the thread locked to silence the OP.

    Mick McKee, you are a hero. I hope you see vindication.
    Quote Originally Posted by ElectricDyck View Post
    ....i dont buy ** fish ..its like buying your stolen tools back from a crack head..

  9. #29
    Join Date
    Dec 2009

    Re: Klappan Blockade -Defense fund for Criminal Charges Against Hunter

    Quote Originally Posted by chutineshooter View Post
    You are way out of line, you are the very reason that First Nations hate residents, have you seen the crap up and down the rivers and trails and the so called cashes that residents leave behind? Are you one if the hunters that goes in and shoots a moose takes the 4 quarters and leaves the rest? You are plain and simply being charged for an illegal activity and when the rest of the world gets into trouble we don't go begging for money.
    There were moose hunters in that area last year useing a drone for spotting.... i am a resident hunter of bc and i question what you are making us all look like.
    i think he made BC hunters look pretty darn good actually,he proved that there are still people with principles who won't be intimidated or be bullied by group of scofflaw malcontents. He has shown more testicular fortitude than our government,law inforcement or the judiciary. He committed no crime, he was unlawfully prevented from pursuing his activities which were and are fully legal. I for one will make a donation to help Mick out defending himself against these ridiculous charges.

  10. #30
    Join Date
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    Yucatan Mexico

    Re: Klappan Blockade -Defense fund for Criminal Charges Against Hunter

    Quote Originally Posted by goatdancer View Post
    You have got to be kidding.

    We all pay taxes to the province we live in. Wildlife in this province managed by our hunting license and tags dollars(less than that but that's a different discussion) .

    I Give my Heart to my Family....
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