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Thread: Klappan Blockade -Defense fund for Criminal Charges Against Hunter

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Jul 2016

    Re: Klappan Blockade -Defense fund for Criminal Charges Against Hunter

    No I am in favour of not assaulting anyone.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Jan 2015
    lower Mainland

    Re: Klappan Blockade -Defense fund for Criminal Charges Against Hunter

    Quote Originally Posted by chutineshooter View Post
    No I am in favour of not assaulting anyone.
    So, what would you have done faced with that situation?
    Last edited by Ohwildwon; 02-24-2017 at 10:19 PM.
    He's anything but a hunter.
    More like another, Rain Coast Sociopath Fraud. Living off the prevails of his chronic lies, like the rest of them...

    It's an issue, because these sociopath environmentalist's, will dilute the facts.
    To the point you or Joe public, won't know them any more..
    They count on that big time..

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    The Ville, B.C.

    Re: Klappan Blockade -Defense fund for Criminal Charges Against Hunter

    Quote Originally Posted by chutineshooter View Post
    No I am in favour of not assaulting anyone.
    I watched the video and I didn't see any assault. What I did see was a really dumb guy trying to push a truck backwards down a public road, but failed.

    It's high time we got some common sense back in this country, starting with our court system and police force and working down to Joe public...

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Jan 2015
    Abbotsford, B.C.

    Re: Klappan Blockade -Defense fund for Criminal Charges Against Hunter

    Quote Originally Posted by chutineshooter View Post
    You are way out of line, you are the very reason that First Nations hate residents, have you seen the crap up and down the rivers and trails and the so called cashes that residents leave behind? Are you one if the hunters that goes in and shoots a moose takes the 4 quarters and leaves the rest? You are plain and simply being charged for an illegal activity and when the rest of the world gets into trouble we don't go begging for money.
    There were moose hunters in that area last year useing a drone for spotting.... i am a resident hunter of bc and i question what you are making us all look like.
    YOU are the one here who is "out of line" and I consider Mick to be a hero.

    You rave about mess, etc, well, the worst littering, garbage ridden camps I have EVER seen in 60+ years of active bush work and recreation have been Slavey and Cree camps in northern Alberta, when I was with the Alberta Forest Service.

    I have seen Moose and other game and fish wasted by Indians a number of times and also been threatened by drunken Indians while at work, because I am a "whitey". As to "hate", must be a bigot!

    BTW, Canada, is ONE nation, there are NO "fns" of any credibility. However, keep it up, the crunch is coming.

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Oct 2016

    Re: Klappan Blockade -Defense fund for Criminal Charges Against Hunter

    chutineshooter-I welcome your opinion but i do not agree with it. I keep a spotless camp, always have and make sure I eat what I harvest. I believe...the people committing the criminal acts are those blocking a public access road. We ALL have a right to hunt in a licensed open area. No I do not use a drone. If we all just turn around at these blockades, will more of them pop up blocking the resident hunter access to areas we like and are licensed to hunt?. Why do you feel I have to turn around at a blockade and go home? why?? I did not try to hurt anyone...I cut the logs, moved the other impediments out of my way and then drove around....drove around..the blockade. The native chap then moved directly into my path. I also moved very slowly to give him time to get out of the way and to insure I didnt injure anyone. Listen to the video you will hear my trailer breaks squealing. I believe resident hunters need to stand up to these situations and get them sorted out. This blockade has been off and on for years as I understand it. It is illegal to block public roads. period

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Jan 2012

    Re: Klappan Blockade -Defense fund for Criminal Charges Against Hunter

    I didn't see anything wrong there. Blown out of proportion as usual. I have strong ties to native communities through my family and believe in the legal rights of natives on their land but to block access to hunters including myself is downright wrong. As for hunters using drones in that area to spot animals, they should be charged not this guy. Smart hunters who follow the regulations and laws are not the problem, roadblocks by locals isn't the answer either. I just wish the police in the area would keep the roadblocks clear before they start.
    I hope it never happens but if this continues, someone will go too far. Just my 2 cents.
    " Size doesn't matter 'til the freezer is full!" - Dad

    " If you buy a new gun, I get a new kitchen!" - my lovely wife

    Sako Finnlight 300 WSM
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  7. #17
    Join Date
    Jul 2016

    Re: Klappan Blockade -Defense fund for Criminal Charges Against Hunter

    Well if you think the First Nation are going to get less rights your wrong, look at the resources the bands are getting control of. I think the best way to deal with a lot of the conflict would be to change the rules so you can only hunt in the management area that you live in.

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Nov 2005

    Re: Klappan Blockade -Defense fund for Criminal Charges Against Hunter

    Any way you slice it blocking roads is illegal, you guys better get off your wallets and support Mick here, this could be the beginning to the end of hunting as we knew it! K

  9. #19
    Join Date
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    Kelowna, BC

    Re: Klappan Blockade -Defense fund for Criminal Charges Against Hunter

    Quote Originally Posted by chutineshooter View Post
    Well if you think the First Nation are going to get less rights your wrong, look at the resources the bands are getting control of. I think the best way to deal with a lot of the conflict would be to change the rules so you can only hunt in the management area that you live in.
    You have got to be kidding.
    Growing old is unavoidable. Growing up is highly overrated....

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Oct 2016

    Re: Klappan Blockade -Defense fund for Criminal Charges Against Hunter

    Good old outdoors-You nailed it. The Police need to do their job and keep the road open. They have the authority and do not have to wait for an injunction. If they would do their job then a lot of this conflict would not happen. When I arrived and questioned the natives blockading the road they told me the police have already been there and did nothing. My court documents show that the police were made aware of the blockade on Sept 13th but were advised by higher ups to do nothing. NOTHING!!! I have since lodged a formal complaint against the Dease lake RCMP for failing to do their job and putting other people at risk by doing nothing. I hope to bring attention to those Senior RCMP managers so that they change their local policy about dealing with blockades. They will not show up for the resident hunter when he wants help but when a resident hunter goes thru the blockade, and the natives call them , they show right up. You see anything wrong with this picture??

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