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Thread: With all the various..............

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Sep 2013

    Re: With all the various..............

    inreach has been very useful, I prefer over sat phone and easier to pack. can also provide peace of mind that everything is good at home - check msg... no msg.... wife and kids all good

  2. #12
    Pemby_mess Guest

    Re: With all the various..............

    yup as has been mentioned, 2 way comm is very helpful in a SAR scenario. If all you have is an SOS and location, the receiver is completely in the dark about what to expect and what resources are required. The more remote, the more necessary. Contrary to myth and popular thinking, SAR personel aren't superheros. They each have a variety and difference within their skill sets. 2 way communication, ensures you get the right people, and equipment the first time out when you need it. Depending on the terrain and nature of emergency, preparing a landing zone for the incoming aircraft could be critical, letting your rescuers know that you have done that and where it is would be useful.

    Prior to Inreach, I found that using the Spot wasn't very reliable in getting a signal out. I was under the impression it was because Spot was using the the old Global Star network while Delorne made a bit of a deal about using a wider network, including the Iridium system. I have not heard either way whether Spot has solved that problem although I'm also under the impression Global Star has revived its system. My Inreach has worked without flaw from day 1.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Feb 2016

    Re: With all the various..............

    in reach all the way. bring ice and more beer!

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: With all the various..............

    Used my InReach SE several times this weekend. It was most useful when I decided to go "off schedule" and stop on the way to Kelowna for longer than intended and then stop on the way home when it wasn't planned. Let's people rest easy knowing that I'm not lost in the bush but rather am looking out over a cut until dark.

    Have found, though, that signals getting through in tree cover is not amazing. Was testing it out a few weeks ago in overcast weather while hiking around Buntzen and really found that the signals weren't getting through very easily. Pretty slow transmission. Not sure if it was made slower by me being on the move and in and out of visible sky, etc, but it wasn't as good as I was hoping for. Better than nothing, though.

  5. #15
    Pemby_mess Guest

    Re: With all the various..............

    Speaking of SAR, just saw the RCAF Cormorant fly over my place in Lillooet. Everybody OK out there?

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