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Thread: Tenting in Grizzly territory

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Nelson, BC

    Re: Tenting in Grizzly territory

    Quote Originally Posted by BiG Boar View Post
    You should consider seeing a psychologist to get over your fears. Statistically, all you have is a phobia of something that will probably never happen. Take precautions, bring a dog if possible, and a big gun.
    I have never been attacked by a grizzly, although I have been charged a couple times. I have, however, had grizzlies come into camp at night on a few occasions. That's why I bought the Pack Alarm. It's true that the probability of a nocturnal grizzly attack is low, but statistics don't matter when your being attacked. At that point, the probability is 100%.
    I won't always be young, but I can be immature forever

  2. #32
    Join Date
    Mar 2015

    Re: Tenting in Grizzly territory

    Also depends where you are...we were on bull river when the griz kept coming back....there is a problem bear needs to be dead....

  3. #33
    Join Date
    Oct 2014

    Re: Tenting in Grizzly territory

    Some great suggestions. I've ordered a perimeter alarm off ebay that's similar to the pack alarm. If taking an extra measure like this means a better night sleep I'm all for it.

  4. #34
    Join Date
    Jul 2005

    Re: Tenting in Grizzly territory

    Quote Originally Posted by 325 View Post
    I have never been attacked by a grizzly, although I have been charged a couple times. I have, however, had grizzlies come into camp at night on a few occasions. That's why I bought the Pack Alarm. It's true that the probability of a nocturnal grizzly attack is low, but statistics don't matter when your being attacked. At that point, the probability is 100%.
    Fully agree. Better be safe than sorry.
    In over 50 years of hunting was only charged once by a large grizz.
    Lived in the Yukon in a tent a full year in the remote wilderness & we never had a bear charge. We cooked 2x a day. I'm sure the odour could be picked up from many miles but the bears as always left us alone & stayed away.
    We got visited by an aggressive wolverine one day. A FN helper shot it & gave the fur to me. It's now somewhere in Kit-Waterloo.

    Lover 308 ( LT )& I came across a large grizzly feeding on a recently killed moose by the shore of Germansen Lake. The small cabin we stayed at was less than a km. away. That night we placed small rocks in empty cans but the bear knew we were waiting.
    Here's a video from 2 HBC members getting attacked by a grizz while in a tent.
    Last edited by mpotzold; 01-10-2017 at 11:20 PM.
    “People never lie so much as after a hunt, during a war or before an election.” -Otto von Bismarck
    Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe.-Albert Einstein

  5. #35
    Join Date
    Sep 2012

    Re: Tenting in Grizzly territory

    Dont menstrate

  6. #36
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Williams Lake, BC Canada

    Re: Tenting in Grizzly territory

    Hmmm nothing in tent with chocolate bars..nothing.ever.
    Flashlite, knife, rifle to bed..the knife is for an case the door is can never rip a tent fast enough.
    All bear encounters at tents at night should be treated as preditory in nature..dont be a tent taco..fight back..
    The white..NEVER WORN NEW tee shirt in case shyte hits the fan..easier to identify where the good guys are at 3 am tired adrenaline things happening fast..not all bear attacks are fatal..most short distance shootings usually are...

    Food stored high if possible..if not..100 yards in sight..
    Never used a electric perimeter fence..however according to several that have used them..they work..all helps
    Dont set up on trails..bears do use them..also super dense foliage.


  7. #37
    Join Date
    Nov 2013

    Re: Tenting in Grizzly territory

    Just sold all my guns and never going in the woods again!!YA RIGHT!!Come and get some Mr Bear!!

  8. #38
    Join Date
    Jan 2010

    Re: Tenting in Grizzly territory

    I have had enough sleepless nights in grizz country while backpacking . 75% of my hunting is solo and 95% of it in a tent. I remember one night in the Mcgregors. I had my little tent set up on a knife edge ridge trail. The only flat spot I had. While glassing for goats I spotted the sow and cubs about 400 yards off just below the trail. When camping like this I am a firm believer of the pee-rimiter. I try to get all around my tent but mostly downwind. A good crap don't hurt either. I have always cooked in camp but leave my food downwind a bit. Pee around it too. This peeing thing is tough because I am usually de-hydrated from the hike! Whenever possible I camp by running water as the noise muffles other sounds and I sleep better. When I tent camp by my truck I don't give bears a second thought. I figure no bear is brave enough to come near all the action I have going on. I do always use my rifle as a pillow and have a round chambered. Honestly though, in real life I figure I will win the lottery I don't buy tickets for before I have a bear encounter. Every single grizz I have ever ran into has run away as fast as he could when he realized who/what I was. Its us that carry the guns!

  9. #39
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    region 9

    Re: Tenting in Grizzly territory

    Quote Originally Posted by tigrr View Post
    Some take a spool of fishing line and some cans or bells and string the line around camp with the rattling device hanging on it. Lets call it an early warning device. Old stories talk of marking the four corners of camp with urine. Don't unload your gun at night!! I hope your not a heavy sleeper.

    1 minute late.
    I haven't tented in super heavy griz country at all, but this is what I do, throw rocks in my metal drinkin can and tie it to the fishin line..

  10. #40
    Join Date
    Mar 2010

    Re: Tenting in Grizzly territory

    Tie it with string around camp. If anything comes in you can hear the cans. Just a piece of mind[/QUOTE]

    ya.....until it rattles

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