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Thread: BC Chronic Wasting Disease Surveillance Program

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Region 4

    Re: BC Chronic Wasting Disease Surveillance Program

    Where are the drop points in the east kootenays?

  2. #12
    Join Date
    May 2015

    Re: BC Chronic Wasting Disease Surveillance Program

    Five minutes ago I received an email from the Province's wildlife veterinarian asking me to have patience.They will publish information in the near future as to where to submit CWD samples and how to submit CWD samples.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Apr 2011

    Re: BC Chronic Wasting Disease Surveillance Program

    Quote Originally Posted by dracb View Post
    Five minutes ago I received an email from the Province's wildlife veterinarian asking me to have patience.They will publish information in the near future as to where to submit CWD samples and how to submit CWD samples.
    I have just added some more information in the original post. I am still waiting to hear re drop-off sites in 8-23.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    May 2004

    Re: BC Chronic Wasting Disease Surveillance Program

    We've been taking our deer and elk in to the Ministry since the 90's. My boys used to patrol the highways for road kill back in 96 & 97, sever the heads and take them in. I have no idea how many heads we've contributed, but it would be a lot. To date, there is no evidence of CWD in the EK.

  5. #15
    Join Date
    May 2004

    Re: BC Chronic Wasting Disease Surveillance Program

    Quote Originally Posted by dracb View Post
    Five minutes ago I received an email from the Province's wildlife veterinarian asking me to have patience.They will publish information in the near future as to where to submit CWD samples and how to submit CWD samples.
    In Cranbrook go to the FLNRO office, pick up a batch of cards that you fill out (one for each head) and take them to the office and they put them in the freezer.

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Apr 2011

    Re: BC Chronic Wasting Disease Surveillance Program

    Quote Originally Posted by J_T View Post
    We've been taking our deer and elk in to the Ministry since the 90's. My boys used to patrol the highways for road kill back in 96 & 97, sever the heads and take them in. I have no idea how many heads we've contributed, but it would be a lot. To date, there is no evidence of CWD in the EK.
    Here is some data collected to date:

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Apr 2011

    Re: BC Chronic Wasting Disease Surveillance Program

    I have added some updated information to the original post.

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Aug 2008

    Re: BC Chronic Wasting Disease Surveillance Program

    Go ask the guide outfitters trophy hunters.

  9. #19
    Join Date
    May 2015

    Re: BC Chronic Wasting Disease Surveillance Program

    Chronic wasting and otherwildlife disease sample collection sites"
    "I finally have an up to date head-submission location list that you can post.

    I’ve also attached some other documents that you can feel free to distribute as you wish. All of these and more are available on our new wildlife health website . I’m currently working on creating a dedicated page on there specifically for “Hunter Information” so that all of this can be found in one spot.

    In the meantime…
    For CWD surveillance submissions (Peace and Kootenay Regions), heads can be dropped off at the following locations:

    - Peace Region
    o North Peace Rod & Gun Club, FSJ
    o Peace Taxidermy, Hwy 29
    o Russell's Custom Meat Cutting, Chetwynd
    o Ministry of Environment, FSJ
    o Ministry of Environment, Fort Nelson
    - Kootenay Region
    o Ministry of Environment, Cranbrook
    o Cliff's Meat, Kimberley
    o Backcountry Meats, Fernie
    o Rick’s Fine Meats, Cranbrook
    o COS Ministry of Environment, Invermere
    For Bovine Tuberculosis surveillance (north Okanagan MU 8-23) and CWD submissions heads can be dropped off at these locations:

    - RT Sausage and Custom Cutting
    o 39 Byers Rd
    Lumby, BC V0E 2G1
    - Frank`s General Store
    o 1193 Highway 6 (corner Sugar Lake Road),
    Cherryville, B.C. V0E 2G1
    - Ministry of Environment Offices, Penticton
    o Ministry Of Environment
    102 Industrial Pl
    Penticton, BC V2A 7C8
    o Open during regular business hours
    (250) 490-8200
    Head submission supplies (bags and labels) will be available at the front desk.
    There’s also a prize draw (donated by grouse river in Kelowna) that all hunters who submit heads in MU 8-23 for TB testing are eligible to win! "

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Oct 2006

    Re: BC Chronic Wasting Disease Surveillance Program

    Hunting season is well under way, but I don't believe we've received many, if any, heads here in the Peace region.

    I realize it can be a bit inconvenient to drop-off heads, but I really urge everyone to make an effort to help out with this program. Although there is currently no evidence of CWD in BC, it's extremely important that we keep monitoring for it, as it is potentially a huge threat to our ungulate populations. This program provides a great opportunity for you to get involved in wildlife research and management in the Province. We need as many deer, elk, and moose heads as possible!

    Please give me a call at 250-787-3294 if you have any questions, or would like to arrange a pick-up/drop-off.



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