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Thread: Easter Chocolate (a little late)

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Yucatan Mexico

    Easter Chocolate (a little late)

    Since downing her first buck last fall, SnowshoeSniper has been dreaming of chasing spring bruins.
    Our first outing this spring was the Thursday before Easter. We spotted one brown phase but it was too far and too late to make a play on the bear.
    Easter Sunday found us out in the afternoon and it didn't take long before we spotted a solo brown in a stalkable position. We made a play but there was a lot of downfall to be cut before we could get close enough to start hiking up the steep slopes. The delay gave the bear more time to potentially move into new area but SsS was determined to find her first bear.
    The stalk went well and we found the right opening but the afternoon winds sold us short and swapped directions a few times. Needless to say we went home with no 'Easter Chocolate'.

    Still determined, SsS wanted to head out again Thursday after school but other than a few mulies, our evening of spotting was uneventful. Not easily deterred, we were back on the slopes glassing hard the next afternoon. After hours of non-productive scanning, SsS's attention began to wander and she made her own fun rolling large boulders down a steep slope. I can remember finding much pleasure in the same activity when I was younger and I joined in the fun.

    Eventually, I got bored my attention diverted back to glassing the distant openings. Immediately, I spotted 2 bears about 2 kms away and the game was back on....but the clock was ticking. We watched them for a while and SsS noticed the larger, lighter brown bear would follow the darker bear until the darker bear would swap ends and chase off the lighter bear. After a few minutes of debate we figured they were either siblings or perhaps a boar was trying to gain some 'brownie points' for a few weeks down the road when the rutt would kick into full gear.
    Either way, SsS was raring to go and down her first bear but we would have to move quickly as it was already 7:15pm.

    We bailed down the road and soon found ourselves hiking up the steep slopes towards the bears....but, unlike Easter Sunday, this time the thermals were steady into our faces.
    As the opening came into view, our hopes were high. We slowly eased across the slope using the sporadic trees for cover and soon spotted some brown movement through the trees. SsS got set up on my pack and had a small shooting lane and we was the lighter-colored boar.
    He was feeding along but never gave a good angle for more than a second or two. Suddenly we saw flashes of brown as, once again, the smaller bear chased off the larger bear. Losing sight of the bears we slowly inched forward and closed the distance.
    Being patient was the right thing to do but the light was steadily fading and the colours seemingly began to blend.
    I peeked up above a small rock face and saw the movement of what I thought was boar. SsS eased forward and upward and got into position. We watched and waited. When the bear presented a quartering shot I gave SsS the green light. With every second I expected the 7mm-08 to bark...when all of a sudden the larger and lighter bear entered from the left into my field of vision. I told SsS to hit the brakes and she refocused on the the bigger bear. He must have seen her swing the rifle into position and locked onto our location. After a few seconds he decided to bolt for safety but I 'huffed' at him and got him to stop. As he turned back towards us, SsS was locked onto his big chest and dropped him like the hand of Thor. SsS and the 140gn Accubond had done their jobs!
    SsS had her first bear on the ground and I had lived through one of 'my' most memorable hunting experiences to date.
    As the video shows, there's no question who was more excited.

    SsS knew it was going to be a late night on the mountain but there was no way she was letting anything get in her way of downing her very first bear!!

    We didn't arrive home until after 12:30 am.

    Congrats SsS! You sure deserve this one!!!

    One proud Dad
    Last edited by Stone Sheep Steve; 06-14-2014 at 08:21 AM.

    I Give my Heart to my Family....
    My Mind to my Work.......
    But My Soul Belongs to the Mountains.....

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  3. #2
    Join Date
    May 2011

    Re: Easter Chocolate (a little late)

    Way to go for your daughter and a great dad to teach her the ropes to get her done and do not ever give up.
    Nothing is like climbing a mountain, and then feeling like you are at the top of the world.

  4. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    fishin the shoals...reg 3

    Re: Easter Chocolate (a little late)

    Thanks for sharing yours and SsS hunt .Was a good read .your daughters turning into a fine hunter!Congrats on her bear!
    Midnight toker

  5. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Copper Head Road

    Re: Easter Chocolate (a little late)

    Great Stuff SSS + SsS congrads - see the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.
    Great looking bear should make some great eats and a fine rug.
    "The budget should be balanced, the Treasury should be refilled, public debt should be reduced, the arrogance of officialdom should be tempered and controlled, and the assistance to foreign lands should be curtailed lest Rome become bankrupt. People must again learn to work, instead of living on public assistance." Cicero - 55 BC
    ..... The NDP approach: if the facts don't fit your ideology, just pretend the facts don't exist.......

  6. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2007

    Re: Easter Chocolate (a little late)

    Great stuff, SsS and SSS! Gorgeous looking bear. Can't wait to take my step-son out for his first.
    Resident Hunter

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  7. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2009

    Re: Easter Chocolate (a little late)

    that is so awesome !!! nice bear girl!!

  8. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    A desk, truck, stand and blind in BC

    Re: Easter Chocolate (a little late)

    Congrats to SsS and SSS on the great bear!!!!

    The start of many more memories I am sure!!

    Again congrats and a very nice bear



    Quote Originally Posted by 358mag View Post
    "In spite of what some members of this site choose to BELIEVE, None of our opinions are any more important than Dog Shit"!

  9. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2005

    Re: Easter Chocolate (a little late)

    Attago JT! good work to you too the authentic excitement from both of you, the video will be priceless in years to come.

    Tell SsS it was a road hunt, cause you spotted it from the truck! Yes I am calling her out for not working hard enough!

    Congrats to you both, special moment in a father and daughter's life............

  10. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Prince George

    Re: Easter Chocolate (a little late)

    Priceless, just priceless!!

    Congratulations to both of you on an awesome cinnamon bear and a great hunt!

    I can see you will be doing a lot more skinning than shooting in the years to come and you'll enjoy every minute of it.
    I harvest carrots. I kill animals.

  11. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    West Kelowna, Okanagan Valley

    Re: Easter Chocolate (a little late)

    Thanks everyone, it was some hunt. The meat will make some nice meals for the family, and if the hide is not too rubbed up we'll tan him. Yes, later on we confirmed it was a boar.

    Quote Originally Posted by one-shot-wonder View Post
    Attago JT! good work to you too the authentic excitement from both of you, the video will be priceless in years to come.

    Tell SsS it was a road hunt, cause you spotted it from the truck! Yes I am calling her out for not working hard enough!

    Congrats to you both, special moment in a father and daughter's life............
    Haha, joke is on you. We spotted it from a rocky bluff, not from the tracker. It was pretty special, although I didn't expect the bear to drop like a sack of hammers however.

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