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Thread: Mule Deer and Antler point restrictions

  1. #41
    Join Date
    Jul 2006

    Re: Mule Deer and Antler point restrictions

    And just so the Wannabes get it through their thick skulls.

    Region 3 has 3 months of seasons (GOS and 4-point or better combined). It has heavy hunting pressure due to it's proximity to the Coast and to the Okanagan. Hell we even get quite a bit of spill over from both Region 5 and Region 4 as well. We've had incredible wolf predation in the last decade in many areas. It is pretty easy to see our deer numbers are drastically down where the wolf pressure has been heavy. And yet despite all this, we grow GIANTs like this. Region 3 has it right people. Time to get your collective asses out of the sand and start demanding the other regions follow suit.

  2. #42
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    In the bush near a lake

    Re: Mule Deer and Antler point restrictions

    Quote Originally Posted by RiverOtter View Post
    Then riddle me this....

    If hunters are allotted next to no doe tags and the existing does are getting bred, the population should be stable or increasing. No?

    Further, if the existing does are already getting bred, how is harvesting LESS bucks than we currently harvest going to make the does anymore pregnant.......?

    Just stating my opinion take it how ever you choose. Could go back and forth with a million different options on how to change things and why and the same amount of reasons to keep things as they are.

  3. #43
    Join Date
    Nov 2004

    Re: Mule Deer and Antler point restrictions

    Thanks for posting the article. Very interesting and informative.

    Majority of the hunters I know will not hunt during the four point season unless they have a LEH antlerless or there is a open season for the antlerless. Each have there own reason with the main being the odds of seeing and four point and the taste of a rutting buck.

  4. #44
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    is everything!

    Re: Mule Deer and Antler point restrictions

    I have not read all the posts here, so I don't know if this has been mentioned. But, as in other threads on this topic, I haven't really seen it mentioned either. I find most hunters are rather nearsighted when it comes to mortality rate, often wondering if there is too much hunting pressure. Other factors often mentioned with mortality are increased predation and hard winters and sickness.

    But one often overlooked and very significant mortality factor exists and is not often mentioned...that of death by vehicle accidents, or "road kill" if you will. I read a report somewhere in the last year that they figure at least half of the mortality rate in a deer population can be attributed to motor vehicle altercations. Like predation, this is a year round threat. Granted, where less human population and roads exist, the less this problem is. But where there is larger concentrations of humans and vehicles and deer, we are seeing plenty of road kill.

    So no matter how much an area is "managed", we simply can't ignore the impact that vehicles have on population size. Now maybe mule deer are less susceptible than other ungulates, I don't know, but the fact remains that road kill is a major factor in mortality.
    caddisguy "I worry about predators wanting to eat me or bucks trying to take my manhood. "How was your hunting trip honey" ... "wahh I don't want to talk about it... sob ""

  5. #45
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    Re: Mule Deer and Antler point restrictions

    So, habitat needs, as in funding to do it or to keep land off limits to development that hurts animal numbers, right? Costs money one way or another, which is in short supply from govt, considering what other voters want. Predator control, costs money if govt does it, seems ineffective if hunters do it (not enough kills). Even if hunters take no animals the populations may not have a chance, right? So unless wolf/coyote hides become incredible lucrative or huge private money is spent we wait for the natural cycles?? Funding is a great idea, but when medical procedures are regularly on a 1-2 year wait list because of funding shortfalls, the funding for animal enhancement won't happen.

  6. #46
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    In the bush near a lake

    Re: Mule Deer and Antler point restrictions

    Quote Originally Posted by emerson View Post
    So, habitat needs, as in funding to do it or to keep land off limits to development that hurts animal numbers, right? Costs money one way or another, which is in short supply from govt, considering what other voters want. Predator control, costs money if govt does it, seems ineffective if hunters do it (not enough kills). Even if hunters take no animals the populations may not have a chance, right? So unless wolf/coyote hides become incredible lucrative or huge private money is spent we wait for the natural cycles?? Funding is a great idea, but when medical procedures are regularly on a 1-2 year wait list because of funding shortfalls, the funding for animal enhancement won't happen.

    Correct funding is the major issue that most over look because without it nothing gets accomplished !!!

    Sad to say but the best option for funding would be from the pockets of every hunter. As I stated lobby for a set % of license, tag, and draw sales even if it causes a small increase on these items it will be worth it in the long run. Have that money going into nothing but issues related to BC's wildlife.

  7. #47
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Region 5

    Re: Mule Deer and Antler point restrictions

    Antler point restrictions obviously have their Dana says one only has to look at region 3 as an example...harvest across age classes to maximize opportunity. They've been doing it the same way for 20 or so years. Where else have we been able to maintain a consistent mule deer season for that length of time? What does that tell you? Populations have fluctuated within that timeframe and they've held the reigns steady. Even in the face of heavy wolf predation for example, which is also revealing...tells me that to some extent mule deer populations do their thing independent of seasons and we should implement the same season across the southern interior then leave the regs alone and put our energy into addressing the real problems to create more deer across the board. Added benefit of spreading hunting pressure out with consistent seasons.

  8. #48
    Join Date
    Jul 2006

    Re: Mule Deer and Antler point restrictions

    Still interested in how many ever picked up the Fall issue of BC Outdoors and read it. seems people just want to listen to the banter at the local Timmys instead of actually reading 'real' things themselves. Did any see the harvest stat numbers? What Region had the highest harvest??? Hmmm, i wonder eh?

  9. #49
    Join Date
    Dec 2008

    Re: Mule Deer and Antler point restrictions

    Quote Originally Posted by GoatGuy View Post
    The 6 pts elk season is a fail safe season. It was introduced as part of the recovery strategy in the EKs after a bad winter. It was never intended to be a long-term season. There are several MUs that could easily sustain a 3 pts or any bull GOS for that matter. There are of course a few that would likely remain 6 pts due to extremely high access.

    The reason there isn't one is due to political and social reasons- it has nothing to do with managing healthy elk populations.
    If I remember correctly, wasn't the six point season first introduced in this province, after the herds were decimated because of an extended GOS on cows/calfs that went well into November .....not a bad winter??? This is going back before many of you were actively hunting.....or even born for that matter.

    I remember the slaughter that took place in the EK's over, I believe, a two year period. The cow/calf GOS was implemented because of pressure from the BC Cattlemens Association (a very powerful lobby in this province) who we're whining about elk in their hay stacks during the winter.

    Also, while I don't necessarily dispute the findings of the article on page one of this thread, I don't see where the conclusions drawn are backed up by reputable science or facts unless I've missed something......which is entirely possible.
    "Guns kill people like spoons made Rosie O'Donel fat"

  10. #50
    Join Date
    Dec 2007

    Re: Mule Deer and Antler point restrictions

    Just how much of our "Habitat Conservation Fund" is going to where it is supposed to go? What are the facts? Where are the funds of our hunting
    liscence fees, tag fees, LEH fees going?

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