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Thread: More Kamloops Ram Pics

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Nov 2007

    Re: More Kamloops Ram Pics

    Great shots of some incredible rams, Dana! Love the snowy background. Makes me want to get back there with my camera. How far from the draw area are these pics taken?
    Resident Hunter

    Quote Originally Posted by coach View Post
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  2. #12
    Join Date
    Jul 2010

    Re: More Kamloops Ram Pics

    Very nice pics Dana, must be nice to see them up close like that, wow awsome !

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Jan 2007

    Re: More Kamloops Ram Pics

    Awesome photos! A couple of whoppers there. They look great with the snow and overcast light. You could fill a wall with sheep photos alone.
    I love it when the seasons change.
    Fishing to Hunting.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Lower Mainland & USA

    Re: More Kamloops Ram Pics

    Dana, Thank you for sharing the pictures. It is always a pleasure to see. Thank you again.

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Jan 2009

    Re: More Kamloops Ram Pics

    You should put up a warning....."sheep hunters put on your drooling bibs".And without my false teeth it is raining here...

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Jul 2006

    Re: More Kamloops Ram Pics

    Quote Originally Posted by coach View Post
    Great shots of some incredible rams, Dana! Love the snowy background. Makes me want to get back there with my camera. How far from the draw area are these pics taken?
    These are still a ways from the draw area. Not too far for them to travel though. Typically they come down almost to town in the winter and then move back up the lake in the summer.

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    region 9

    Re: More Kamloops Ram Pics

    Wow! looks like a healthy herd....

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Jan 2006

    Re: More Kamloops Ram Pics

    Quote Originally Posted by dana View Post
    These are still a ways from the draw area. Not too far for them to travel though. Typically they come down almost to town in the winter and then move back up the lake in the summer.
    Actually none of these guys head back to the lake or draw area. These head straight up the hill or some head up Tranquille Creek. The last couple of years I have seen them almost all year in the same area. During august and September most disappear but I figure the heat drives them up the mountain.

    Quote Originally Posted by BiG Boar View Post
    Are you M or F? Might get more takers with tits.

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Kamloops Country just south of Heaven

    Re: More Kamloops Ram Pics

    Drive down ORD road and you can see lots across from the Trailer courts right beside the road they are tame like domestic sheep. Not wild at all, like real wild sheep. They were transplanted and are not native to this spot even tho lots pretend there wild, they aren't, you can get so close you could touch them.
    Also in the fields of the Federal farm by the Kamloops airport you can see dozens a few feet away.
    Not native at all even tho some try to make you believe this lol
    .. still nice to see but i think the mule deer are still angry lol that they were brought here lol.
    They breed like mink and are everywhere even up Batchelor on the lac du bois road now where the deer winter, at 4k an old road goes up left to Mara mtn, it is closed to vehicles now, but if you walk up there you'll see more sheep than deer now.
    Bah bah bah ha bah, lol. Sheep dung and tracks every where you walk they pull the grass right out from the roots not like deer which nip it off.
    Last edited by Jelvis; 12-31-2012 at 12:13 AM.

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Jul 2006

    Re: More Kamloops Ram Pics

    Quote Originally Posted by bighornbob View Post
    Actually none of these guys head back to the lake or draw area. These head straight up the hill or some head up Tranquille Creek. The last couple of years I have seen them almost all year in the same area. During august and September most disappear but I figure the heat drives them up the mountain.

    That is interesting. I always assumed they moved up the lake. I've never really looked for them much in the heat of the summer. I'm still waiting for the 'What If' ram to show up this winter. Last year he was broomed heavy on one side and super long on the other. I'm wondering if he will finally broom the long side.

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