I finally shot a buck for my self. I've seen about fifteen 4 point or better bucks this year, a couple were bigger and i didn't get a shot at and a few were bucks that i passed up that were about the same size as this one. Not the monster that i was looking for but I'm happy with him. I only have one steak left from last years buck and have been craving jerky and pepperoni for a while now so i figured i would shoot the next decent 4 point i saw. Now it gives me a chance to go back to region 5 when it opens back up next week too.

I was hitting one area pretty hard lately and was seeing quite a few bucks for a week and then nothing for the next few days so i decided to try a spot lower down where i had my trail cam set up in the summer. I hiked about 2kms into the area from the main road since the area has a vehicle restriction. Once i got to my spot i spotted a 2 point going up the hill. I got to a good vantage point and saw another deer moving across the hill, then just before he got into the open he let out a snort and sprinted across the spot i could see him. I got a quick look at him and could tell he was a decent buck but he stopped in a bad spot and i couldn't verify that he was a 4 point.
I waited for about 20 minutes and decided to head up the hill to see if i could run into the buck or maybe find a different one.
It was pretty quiet walking so i just crept along and angled up the hill towards where i thought the deer might have went. Once i got close to the top I jumped a 2 point which circled up towards the top of the hill and met up with a larger 2 point that i could just make out through the trees. They seemed pretty calm so i dropped down and tried to circle around and get infront of them. Then just as i was getting close to where they went i saw a decent buck cresting the hill and stepped over and out of sight before i got a good look at him. I think he was a 4x3, not too big. Then not long after another buck walked into view and right away i saw a huge neck, deep front forks and could see 4 points right away so i decide to take him.

It was about 1.5 to 2km hike out, half of it was downhill so i decided to drag him all the way out. I should have cut him up and made a couple trips but i was stubborn and didnt want to hike back. Shot him at 9:30 and got him to the truck by 2:00. Definitely the furthest i've had to drag a deer out but it was rewarding. Now i'm excited to head to region 5 to try to get another one.

Its hard to tell on the trail cam pic, but i think its the same buck that i got a pic of in the summer. It was only a couple hundred yards from where i shot him that i got this pic.