Quote Originally Posted by Ddog View Post
wolverine,,once again missed the question,,,

question is. Is there a suggested or required cleaning time limit for fish(lake trout) that anyone can help us with for next time?

obviously the quicker the better, we all know this, but if the fish was iced and cooled it would be fine the next morning, there would be no taste difference.

Yeah, Ddog I get it. That doesn't change the fact that I differ from the opinion that leaving the guts and gills in it and putting on ice over night isn't going to change the taste of it. The question was suggested or required time for cleaning. If you don't mind eating something that could have been much better leave it as long as you want. If you want it as fresh and clean tasting as possible do it right away. When I guided fish in Campbell River there was never a fish in my boat that had a head and guts in it unless it was bait. I guess my astonishment at the question is why it needed to be asked at all. But each to his own. I know Englishmen that hang ducks by the neck until they fall before they say they are ready to eat too. Judus Priest! Can you friggin imagine..