The nanaimo fish and game archery turkey shoot will be held on sunday dec 11. Start time will be 9:00 am shotgun start. 20 targets, 2 arrow round, scoring is optional no scores will be posted.

Turkey draw will be done on a draw the name out of the hat basis. The winners will be announced at 12:45 right after lunch. One out of every three shooters will win a turkey. The afternoon round will start right after the draw results.

This is a fun day of shooting, support for the club, and a great chance at taking home a nice turkey/ham/bacon. Entry fees will be the same as any other shoot. There will be a cantine for lunch as well. Parking space is at a premium, so please park where the lot attendants tell you to park. They usually lump us all into one side of the range parking lot because we are there all day.

So come on out and join us and have a bit of fun. Hope to see you there . I'll be running the shoot, and wearing my HBC hat, come up and intro yourself, its always good to put a face to internet people you talk to.
