Opening day. Who went out ? Did ya get yur bird ?

I went out. Up at 3:15am. Grabbed my gear & gun, and off to Tim Hortons to fuel up. No donuts yet, the lady said they won't be ready untill 5am. No problem I'll chew on some bark from a pine tree when I get there.
About 15 min out of town I think to myself "self...did you remember the key for the lock on the shotgun ?". Best pull over. Yup got them. Which one is the right one. Its small and silver. No small silver key. Must be blind look again. No FREAKIN key. Think again to self " you dumb sh_t". turn back to town. No longer driveing, now flying down Hwy. Back in town & almost home. Think again to self "hey...bone head look again". Pull over. Two keys stuck together. Think its not a good idea to store keys & gum in same pocket. Turn back. Now going sub-sonic up Hwy. Pass RCMP car. He no care.
35 Min detour, not the way to start turkey day. Get into my hot spot late. No turkeys calling. Last year they were non stop pluck/gobble/cluck. Go in bush do my best to sound like a desperate hen. Finally a answer. Two toms to my right & two off to my left. Which to shoot ? Easy...the first one, duhh. Turkeys are coming fast to my left. Im ready !!! LOOK, 2 HUGE TOMS IN FULL STRUT. Ummm turkey for supper. I can see the red/blue heads & full fan tails. BUT...they stay just inside the bushes at 60 yards and will not come to the LOVE TRIANGLE (by Featherflex). No good shot here, I'll wait. Think to self "you should have been here earlier".
I try setting up & have them come in but it didn't work. did see lots of deer and found a big 5 point whitetail shed. Had some chews on it. Damn squirrls.

Moral of this story..."go to Save On Foods, the turkeys are easyer to get".
Just dont shoot them in the store. Wife will be happy you brought home food. But if asked why it is frozen tell her it was very cold out.