We have a cabin in Tulameen, 8-5, a quick hop over the hills to 2-1 and 2-2.
About 20 years ago or so there was a "Town Hall" Meeting over a plan to move some grizzlies into Manning as they had been "extirpated" from the area over time.
Quite the attendance, residents, FSP's ( "effing Summer People" ), ranchers, farmers and such.
A lot of concern was expressed, danger to cattle, humans, whatever and such as it's really not that far from where they were to be placed to Tulameen.
The presenters said there were no grizzlies in the area, the intent was to restore them back to traditional territory over time.
At the back of the room were a number of local ranchers and when the presenters said thee were no grizzlies around they broke out laughing and said "they are already here."
Ultimately, nothing ever happened.
Maybe 2 or 3 years later the Good Wife and I took our dogs for a hike across the Tulameen River, through the woods to an old road that we would follow. We got to the road, I look down the road and crap, there's a small Grizzly maybe 50 yards away from us. I tell the Good Wife to leash up the dogs and we turn around and get outta there in a hurry.
I had always joked with my Wife about not being worried about being able to outrun a bear, I just had to outrun her, always pissed her off when I said that.
She leads the way to the River, I'm bringing up the rear keeping an eye out for the Bear.
We get to the River and rather than the usual shallow crossing, she's led us to a place where the River is quite deep. I said "Why did you lead us to here, you know I can't swim??" She looks at me with an evil smile and says "I know."
Anyways, we got across then the next day I went back, found the bear tracks and it was a grizzly.
Only one we've seen in the 25 years we've been there but yes, Grizzlies are in the area already.