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Thread: Random Outdoor Pics - Post them up!

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  1. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
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    Re: Random Outdoor Pics - Post them up!

    Quote Originally Posted by TheObserver View Post
    I can think of many reasons, I usually sleep right through everything until morning so not having to get up as much would be one, you may only have limited fire starting if you are lost, say you don't know how to use friction to get a fire going and your running out of whatever else you have be it matches, lighter, ferro rod etc. Maybe good tinder is scarce, building fires smarter that last longer like the upside down instead of just a basic fire and running through a ton of wood, maybe you want to keep something heated throughout the night, so many reasons why knowing how to keep a fire going for a long time would be valuable I can't even think of em all right now.
    If lost, cold or wet sleeping through the night is probably not going to happen. Gathering wood and cutting in to pufect lengths comes at a cost of energy. If no saw or ax trying to brake wood in to smaller peaces the risk of injury goes way up. In such cases long poles and as they burn off putting the end in saves time and energy. A back stop of rotten log or stump or tree will keep embers till morning and not go through a ton of wood, the tree my catch fire but hay you're lost not a priority at the moment and they'll find you faster.
    Last edited by MRP; 02-26-2024 at 11:47 AM.
    No one on their death bed ever said; I should have spent more time at work.

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