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Thread: New Hunter, overwhelmed with the Possibilities!

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2023
    East Kootenays

    New Hunter, overwhelmed with the Possibilities!


    First off, let me introduce myself. I'm a Swiss boy in his mid twenties, moved to Canada about three years ago and really got into all things Hunting and Fishing over the last couple years. I grew up in Mountain Country and spent my Life outside in the Alps but never had any Contact with Hunting and Fishing, as its not as popular as over here...

    Since I don't really know any other Hunters, it's quite a daunting process to get started Hunting. I have completely submerged myself in every Book/Podcast/TV-Show and Forum that is around, started shooting a Bow in Spring 22 and was lucky enough to get my Pal confirmed after just 3(!!!) Months of waiting and calling them. Squeaky wheel gets the Grease i guess..

    Main Question I have for you Folks is about Scouting. I am in the awesome Situation of having so much Crown land in my Area that I'm absolutely overwhelmed with honing in on an Area, or choosing what is worth honing in on. All the Information that is out there always tells you to look for Food Water and Cover. Living in the East Koots (Northern Part of Region 4), there is an over abundance of thick nasty Forest, which I assume means they have all the Cover any Animal could ask for. Also where I live there's lots of Creeks, Lakes and Swampy Areas, so Water also doesn't narrow it down a whole lot. Leaves me with Food. As far as I've seen, the only real Food areas are Cutblocks, and some sparse Aspen Groves every now and then. FSR's to every Cutblock means tons of Roadhunters. So I kind of have a bad feeling with those/Don't want to be that kind of Hunter.

    After that long and complicated Text, my Question is, how do you guys go about choosing spots when you have a big area to pick from, If you don't want to be driving in and out of Logging areas with your truck?

    Also is there a kind of Resource where one sees older, deactivated FSR's?

    Thanks for having me here,

    Last edited by Gianni2507; 05-26-2023 at 08:28 PM.

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