I was invited to help out Saturday with a sponsored hunt by a new university student shooting federation (CUSF: https://shop.cusf.ca/) who paid for an outfitter to take out four students, two of whom had never hunted anything before. What a great deal for them. The outfitter (ACM outfitters) put us on a farm near the east end of Boundary Bay. For the entire day these students had lots of action - mostly wigeon but there were some exciting flybys by snowies - and the outfitter did all the retrieving with a young dog. I was there to give some advice but of course got my share of birds too. If these students embrace the sport - as they looked they would based upon the smiles and accomplishments - then I think we added four committed waterfowlers to our ranks. While the whole group was shy their limit due to over-excitement and learning their leads, we plopped nine snowies and more than thirty assorted ducks - mostly wigeon but some greenheads, pinnies and a poor coot. This was my first time with an outfitter too so now I know when I have a special occasion coming up and when I get sick of scratching out my public land handfuls I have someone to call to arrange another epic hunt.