Two years in a row hiking in the mountains hunting elk we set up camp on a flat up top a ridge close a spring that flows out from the ground. Above this spring there is no other place of open water or any indication of water.

When i filled up the water bottles from this spring, as i was filling the last bottle i see this very small translucent worm about 1cm to 1.5cm long attached to a piece of grass. We spent about 10 minutes trying to figure out what it was a worm and if it was alive. It was a worm and alive. I dont have a pic. We remove the worm but ended up filtering water.

Next year we go back and i think to hell with this, i am being paranoid, it was probably no big deal. I am filling up water bottles in exact spot, right where water flows up from ground and damned if there wasnt another worm on the same piece of grass!!! WTH... We were about to just drink but my brother says .."there is probably worm eggs"

We laughed and filtered again feeling pretty damn rediculous. Does anyone know what this could be? would you drink or filter?

All new springs i find i choose NOT to look now, i dont want to know