Quote Originally Posted by Jrax View Post
Nearly every bull that gave opportunity with bow on solo hunts there was a herd of cows around and it was a satellite bull coming in. Stick close to herd and downwind or off to side and be ready for the one that comes in silent. I have screwed up opportunity by letting my guard down when i thought it was over. Dont sound too big unless your in close and challenging the big herd bull. Consider not calling too, if you can stay close to herd and think you can surprise a bull in an opening it might be worth trying. There are many times my hunt became more difficult when i cow called and suddenly the herd is aware of your presence even if they think your a cow.

I plan doing some bivy nights solo this year but i generally i do better staying in the wall tent and hiking out. I hunt up to 10km back and get into some really nice country and lots of elk but for some reason all my shot opportunities come within 2km of a road or quad trail. Like JT said your sleep will be better and you get to hit more drainages.

What is the weight and packability of the pack alarm?
Pack alarm is light, probably under 1 lb, well worth bringing...