I have spent decades in this area running trail cams and enjoying general outdoor activities yr round.
Of the hundreds and hundreds of trips over the years I have never see any First Nations presence.
Now all of sudden the area is being restricted by FN post fire.

One thing I have learned is when a position is taken you need to ask who, what, why, where, when.
In this case it is Why. Why all off a sudden is this area being shut down by a group of folks I HAVE NEVER SEEN IN THIS PARTICULAR AREA EVER.

Morel mushrooms are a by product after a fire and are prolific the first yr and very lucrative financially.

So, I asked myself why the sudden need to control access of an area that previously has never had an FN presence, has never been an area of interest until now?
What frustrates me is the Gov bows and supports this type of behavior.

Get used of it folks.
