I recently started a thread about my group's region 8 hunting trip in the beginning of October (http://www.huntingbc.ca/forum/showth...ons-frustrated) and a number of you suggested getting out there alone.
It is something that I have considered, but I guess I enjoy the camaraderie and experiences that come with hunting with others. However, like fishing, which I have started doing solo as of a few years ago, I am feeling the itch to start hunting solo. Even if it is quite a drive out to where I want to go. I think I may end up a bit more successful this way and more likely to leave the truck and head into the farther reaches of my chosen areas to see what I see and, hopefully, bag what i can bag. My group, specifically 3 of us including my dad, have never bagged anything together as the 3 of us. This lack of success, as per the thread I've pasted into this one, is what is motivating me. I have drive to be more successful. I have a daughter and 3 boys who all want to get into hunting eventually, they are all 8yrs old to 22 months, and I want to be able to teach them as well and I feel that success, or at least seeing bucks, will help me learn so that I can teach them.

Being that I am from a large family, it feels difficult to make the move to solo hunting, and perhaps its because I am not used to being alone and heading out into the unknown alone. I have learned to enjoy being alone and the peace and quiet it brings as well as being able to fully focus on my task.

So, all that being said.....

How/why did you make the move to solo hunting? Just always did it solo? Did your mentor or dad hunt alone? Is it because, like me, you have had to learn everything on your own?

I am interested to hear about everything that led up to you guys hunting solo. As well as some stories perhaps...because....who doesn't like to hear a good hunting story?!

I look forward to hearing from you all as always.

