Quote Originally Posted by elch jager View Post
I'd guess that more than half the serious hunters on this forum could easily disappear if they had good reason to. Cash out and just evaporate - it would not be that hard. Give me a 2 day head start before you find the last trace I leave and you would never see me again. These boys played their online survivalist game for years, they had a plan. Leave an obvious trail to a remote spot and backtrack out of there. By the time the searchers deduce what happened, the trail is ice cold.

I don't think they had anything to do with the couple up in Laird. Maybe they had an altercation with poor Leonard Dyck that ended badly... 2nd degree, not 1st degree which may indicate his death was incidental to the theft of the Rav4 - perhaps a heart attack when they roughed him up. Or was he bullet riddled? I haven't paid that close attention to the details...

It would be interesting to know more about the family life these boys had. The minimal information released and the strange snippets from the the one father - Alan, tell me that the parenting was questionable. A couple of misfits with little hope of a better life in Alberni struck out on their own. They do not seem like stone cold killers.
May very well be!

So where is the Texan?
Where are the 2 Surrey guys?
Where is the Merritt cowboy?

Where is Sherlock?