Talking with other members either here or privately, I find there are some differing of opinions.
I find some views a bit alarming.

We all know there is "too much easy access" littered all over the place.
Example would be the Kammy area etc.

It seems some hunters feel "Road Closures" should be put in place.
That's scare me because I have seen that road closures don't work.
Yes, it stops the legal hunter.
But it does not stop any other "Outdoor Users"!
It does not stop hiker and mtn bikers or ORV users , back packers and snowmobilers.
And if the Restriction was extended to them, I guarantee you that the Ministry of Tourism would get some "blow back" to not let that happen!

Also, by asking for road closure restrictions, it again give the government an "Easy Out"!
All it takes is a couple of printed words in the Regs and a few signs hung up.

Also, we have seen, and there is a lot of proof, these restrictions "Do Not Apply to FN".
And we have seen enough to see that they take advantage of their traditional ways.

In other words, all road restrictions due is "kick Resident Hunters" out of the areas.
No one Else!!

Solution is to really go after the government to have "Roads Torn Up"!!
This stops everyone from gaining access!
This gives the game the "break" they need from pressure from all users of the back country.
It limits what poachers and FN can due to access these areas.

I wish everyone would start to think this way.
Drop the road restriction signs requests and fight to have roads just "ripped up"!
Otherwise we are just giving the government an "easy out" and they don't have to go to the
logging industry to tell them they have to waste some of their profits on road destruction!

Honestly, if this meant lumber would cost me a bit more, to save our habitat from such easy access,
I would be willing to pay for that.

We have to limit everyone to get in the back country.
Not just hunters, or we will be sadly disappointed by the results.
I have seen how dismal a 40 plus year road restriction for the use of hunting has resulted in
"0" gain by having that implemented!

There are other factors that have caused the dismal return of game.
Some of it again is over logging (imo) and preds.
What form of poaching is going on, I cant say.
But the opportunity is there, because the roads are there!
Get rid of the roads, and we limit "everyone"!!

Have at it.