This will be the tale of our most recent hunt.
It is going to be lengthy (as was the trip) and incorporate numerous pictures.
It will eventually also have a few videos attached, after I get the handle of editing them.

Due to it's length, I'll be running this one up in installments.
So, the tale will be broken down into like-themed components for ease of posting & reading.
For those with a lack of patience for such things, I suggest coming back to see it in it's entirety tomorrow or the next...

The Plan

This was not our first run at the Kechika River system.
In fact, we have been there numerous times, and taken Stone Sheep, Moose, Elk, Goats, Bears & a few Wolves out of there over the years.
Through that time period, a handful of us have developed a real love of this area, and so it wasn't much of a consideration for me when the suggestion came up we should give it another go this fall...

The Kechika is an offshoot of the Liard River. It flowss into the Liard just above Skooks Landing (less than a hop skip and a jump from the Yukon Border).

Last year, we went in with a single jet rig, and way to damn early.
The two weeks we were there, one spent the overly hot days suffering in shorts & T-shirts, and the nights sweltering with no sleeping bags required. No game was taken, as they simply refused top even move in the heat. Very few critters were even spotted.
Thus it was decided that we would make the run a fair bit (3 weeks) later. Turned out to be a decent choice.

Many conversations were blistered across the phone lines between Alberta and BC with the growing plans.
Two jet rigs this year. All the best equipment of course. Time on the ground centering on a 3 week possibility.
Eventually I submitted a Hunter Host request for our Jet Jocks, which was to my surprise granted almost immediately.
Surprised because all the other folks I knew that applied for the Host Permits had to wait literally months for approval, and in some cases they were denied.

Permits in hand, Licenses two, we anxiously awaited the upcoming departure date...