Quote Originally Posted by proguide66 View Post
Close to 10 years later. Grizzly hunt taken away. Caribou crashing. Mule deer hunting cut back announced. Steve notices NO ONE doing ANYTHING about the #1 problem - predation blow out.

Here's the shit part, the WORST part and THE part which you ALL need to be aware of.

Region 1 board and president of the VI Trapper Association
An article in the newspaper, a very negative article I might add about Steve's wolf trapping campaign is not going to do trappers and trapping any good. Personally I'm not thrilled about it and don't think many others will be either. Now we, hunters and trappers, will be under the gun again.I will not support this iniative of Steve's and will not encourage others too either!

EMOTIONALLY REACTS to anti propaganda, ( a page STEVE didnt make), throws a licensed hunter, trapper under the bus, doesn't STAND UP, doesnt LEAD, doesn't MAKE A DIFFERENCE, doesnt put forth ANY resolution, ZERO mentions of how to do it better, bows to the anti propaganda....does NOTHING, makes ZERO difference..... makes it clear they are going to try and effing PREVENT ACTION.
And THIS is an example of WHY we are where we are.
WHO is going to rally the troops to make a difference? WHO is going to stand up and represent and fight for us?? WHO?
AGAIN, all I have been doing is motivating licensed trappers and trap line owners to make a difference - THATS IT-.
I am absolutely DISGUSTED. I'm sure this person is a super kind person, stand up citizen and makes a great anti pasta. Is this THE PERSON you guys need representing?? SERIOUS????

Do you all realize how weak we are when a guy living in Pemberton has to rally the ISLAND TRAPPERS?????? WTF is this person doing??

One shit eating post made by effind anti's using false words, statements and a regional director sides WITH THEM? SERIOUS??

Sorry for cutting your post, people here really need to read this several times and apply the concern to hunting in general.

The willingness and active desires by some individuals in hunting/trapping leadership positions to capitulate to anti-hunting efforts has to be recognized and euthanized.

This story is very similar to how Alberta just lost legal spear and atlatl hunting, except for indigenous peoples.

A few of our hunting stakeholder group leaders figured trying to pacify the anti-hunting community would be easy, just sacrifice a small part of ourselves.

Of course this anti-hunting beast greedily ate the offering, but is still hungry for more, they demand another sacrifice.

We will Never pacify this beast through offerings, we will only survive if we kill it.

This means targeting and eliminating those within our ranks that desire to play the sacrifice angle.

You gave enough hints as to who this person is. Figure it out guys, His ideology needs to be culled.