Quote Originally Posted by Caribou_lou View Post
Can the Open Season? Why not just shorten it? To 3 or 4 days. They've shortened it in the past. If we lose it it will never come back. And you've said more LEH, which sounds great, but they will never give us the number of LEH to harvest our AAH. We are losing a lot this year. And if my guess is right the Ministry is just using the FN's to push their own agenda...

Region 6 is bull only harvest. So ask yourself this. Are region 6 moose numbers down or Bull to Cow ratio down?
Cutting back LEH licenced hunters will only increase Bull numbers and the Cows and Calves that have been disappearing to Wolf and FN harvest will continue to disappeare...
agree a loss of the GOS in exchange for LEH is not a positive and will not solve a thing

I don't know what the harvest estimates are for southern region 6 last few seasons but if my memory is correct the were lower than many 7a MUs in past years. I don't see the GOS in southern 6 being an issue in moose decline. This is a short season and with the limited number of hunting days it lowers success rate. And like mentioned above no regulated female harvest.

This will do nothing to improve cow numbers that are noticeably down.