
Ok so I have cooked black bear before many times various methods all turned out great until today. I got a good regular pressure cooker (ie: not the new electric type). So decided to try a bear roast for the first recipe. Couldn't actually find a recipe anywhere so based the timing off a pork roast which worked out to 30 mins for a 1 lb roast.

It was contracted like a flexed bicep when I opened the cooker, and yet the thermometer read only 108! So I cooked it another 30 mins and it read 133. I gave up at that point since it was so late and my husband was less than impressed to say the extreme least. I have never in our 19 years of marriage had a flop like this. So the only thing I can come up with is either it had too much liquid (I added 2 cups home made bison broth in with the veggies) and/or it needs to cook allot longer.

I am not new to pressure canning (love my all American!) but pressure cooking is a new thing. So am I doing something way off base?? Too much liquid? Not enough time? Something totally different??

Any tips would be awesome! 😊👍🏻