Just tried our first wild turkey sausage and I think both recipes were a success.
Started with 10 lbs of wild turkey (whole fresh one and thighs legs and wings from our 2015 fall birds).
Mixed with 10 lbs of fatty pork loin that was on sale.
cut it all up into 1 1/2" by 3/4" pieces and mixed together and split into 2 piles.

First pile I will just call Breakfast Sausage:
10 lbs meat
3 level tbsp coarse (pickling) salt
4 tsp ground black pepper
1 tsp nutmeg
1/2 tbsp sage
1 tbsp thyme ( I actually substituted the sage and thyme with 1 tbsp poultry seasoning)
2 cu dry white wine
2 tbsp maple syrup
Mixed the wine and seasonings up till the salt dissolved.
Mixed in with meat and set in refrigerator over night.
Put in freezer for a couple of hours and then ground first through 1" plate and then through 3/16" plate.

Second batch I will call Grandma's Turkey Sausage (my wife insisted):
same as above but substitute the maple syrup with 1/2 cu dried cranberries and 1/4 cu fresh chives.
very different flavors and both very good in our opinion.
The turkey flavor is quite noticeable even at a 50/50 mix.
We made patties rather than links, froze them in stacks of 4.