So I was a bit bored today and decided I would go for a bit of a hike. I grabbed the binos and a fawn distress call for the heck of it and headed out. The day was quite uneventful until I hit one nice looking open area and decided I would do some calling. A few minutes in and I look up and see this looking down at me

Cool I thought, she started worked her way down towards me when suddenly she stopped and stared down and to my right into some thick shit. This is the moment I heard what I would describe as something doing a power stomp on a pile of brush. The deer took off like a bat out of hell and then I heard the sound of a freight train coming directly my way. The bear cleared the bush in front of me and did a 90 degree when he saw me standing there with my "oh sh!t" look lol.

Probably doesn't sound as hair raising as it really was but I assure you it was an adrenaline rush and a lesson to not leave the rifle at home. Or at least not play with a distress call when not armed

The call I was using if interested is the "deer talk-the deer stopper"