Hey Guys,

Well, I'm starting to settle into life in BC. So far I'm loving it, and looking forward to the opportunity to start exploring different options that BC has to hunt, fish, camp, etc. There are a LOT of things on my list and a ton of places I cant wait to go and explore.

One thing that never really got me very excited while living in Alberta is hunting blacktails. I've gotta say that in the past couple days though, I've been hit with a bug and its got me thinking how cool it would be to shoot a nice blacktail one day!!!

So, what can you guys tell me about them. Mainland vs island hunting? Looks like Columbia blacktails on the coast and VI and then Sitka blacktails up in the QCI? Are they tougher to hunt than other species of deer for a nice representative buck?

If anyone has any tips or suggestions or just plain comments on hunting these critters, I'd love to hear it. I'd be glad to help anyone out if you were travelling my way or ever needed info on Alberta stuff or could somehow return the favor. Bottom line though, I've gotta scratch this itch and get myself on a blacktail hunt in the next year or two!!!