i've been carving and painting my own plugs for awhile.
a problem i'm having though, is the clear-coat that i apply is cracking.
it seems to be at depths when i'm dropping them deep on the down-rigger.
i'm guessing the pressure or the colder temperature.

what i'v been using is a spray-on clear-coat.
and i've applied many, many layers.

does anyone know what a better product and method might be?
i've heard of using epoxy.
something else i've heard though, is to go the polyurethane route.
also, there are many that will yellow apparently, due to the uv exposure.
i've got some minwax polycrylic i was going to try next, but thought i'd get some input first.

here's a couple examples.

this one sure seems thick enough.
but probably not hardened enough.
the front lip has scuffed on rocks, and that's a pike's tooth mark on the body.

this one, has really cracked up down on the downrigger.

sure gotta love it when something you've created from scratch works.