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Thread: Rabbit Hunting in the West Kootenays (HELP NEEDED PLEASE)

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    Trail, BC

    Rabbit Hunting in the West Kootenays (HELP NEEDED PLEASE)

    Hello everyone!

    I posted about a month ago regarding Rabbit hunting in the Kootenays and I have some follow-up questions. I have been going out to the old cascade highway (behind Rossland) up and down from the start to about the 15KM mark for about 5 nights in the last week. I am typically arriving at the base on the dirt road around 615pm and leave by around 830pm (when it starts to get just about too dark to accuratly shoot).

    In the 5-6 times out, I have seen 3 rabbits. The first ran off just as I saw it, the second ran off due to a plane flying over just as I was about to take aim, and the 3rd I must have caught in the shoulder with my .22 LR from about 40 yards, but it hobbled off into the bush before I could get to it (long story short, I found the blood trail and followed it into the bush, cutting out all the weeds I could, but eventually it ended and after about 30 min, I couldnt find it).

    Anyway, I was just wondering if anyone might have any suggestions on:

    1) a better road to travel (as cascade tends to have a fair amount of traffic even around that time... maybe 2-3 cars an hour). Although please take into account that for rabbit hunting Im usually taking out my Corolla as I dont have an offroad vehicle at my disposal every night.

    2) a better time of day to go out searching (as I said, I dont think I can get much later than 830pm, but I'm curious if sunrise might be better?

    3) I am very confident in my .22 LR shooting accuracy, but even then, is it the right gun to be using? I would assume that anything bigger in a rifle would be too big, but I do have a 20 gauge shotgun (used for grouse) and a 12 gauge (for ducks).

    If anyone has any other suggestions, that would be great!



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  3. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2010

    Re: Rabbit Hunting in the West Kootenays (HELP NEEDED PLEASE)

    I have shot probably well over 100 rabbits I would guess in the years I lived in NS and PEI and used a 22LR for most of them. The only times I used a shotgun was when we were hunting with dogs(beagles). I had better luck with my single shot Cooey than when I bought the Franchi semi auto 22 LR, with the single shot I waited until they stopped them aimed at there eye, with the semi it was just like a fire fight. I wasted so much ammo with the semi but it was sure fun. Maybe try the hollow points. Cheers Roscoe

  4. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    Trail, BC

    Re: Rabbit Hunting in the West Kootenays (HELP NEEDED PLEASE)

    Thanks. I will def stick with my .22. I guess the main question is where else in the Rossland, Castlegar, Trail area should I try and when is the best time of the day to go?

    Quote Originally Posted by RoscoeP View Post
    I have shot probably well over 100 rabbits I would guess in the years I lived in NS and PEI and used a 22LR for most of them. The only times I used a shotgun was when we were hunting with dogs(beagles). I had better luck with my single shot Cooey than when I bought the Franchi semi auto 22 LR, with the single shot I waited until they stopped them aimed at there eye, with the semi it was just like a fire fight. I wasted so much ammo with the semi but it was sure fun. Maybe try the hollow points. Cheers Roscoe

  5. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    Re: Rabbit Hunting in the West Kootenays (HELP NEEDED PLEASE)

    When you spook the rabbit it will usually bolt just a short distance. Walk very slowly to the place you saw it go into cover. Stop and look, and you will likely see the bunny holding still, waiting for you to pass by. They are very patient if they think you can't see them, so move slowly, and look carefully. More scouting will reveal more places that hold rabbits. Good luck!
    Trouble is easy to find and hard to get rid of.

  6. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    Trail, BC

    Re: Rabbit Hunting in the West Kootenays (HELP NEEDED PLEASE)

    What time is the best time to go out for them?

  7. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Meadow Creek, 4-30

    Re: Rabbit Hunting in the West Kootenays (HELP NEEDED PLEASE)

    We used to just drive the logging roads at dusk, on a good night I would expect to see 1 or 2 per mile and sometimes more!

  8. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    Trail, BC

    Re: Rabbit Hunting in the West Kootenays (HELP NEEDED PLEASE)

    Oh wow I wish I could find a place like that. We just got back from being out and didnt see a so single one... Seems almost impossible to see one lately

  9. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Re: Rabbit Hunting in the West Kootenays (HELP NEEDED PLEASE)

    don't go to the same place till you find a good area. I would check different elevations and timber types, once you find a good pocket or two you will know where to look to find more. Last hour of daylight usually the best time. good luck

  10. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2007

    Re: Rabbit Hunting in the West Kootenays (HELP NEEDED PLEASE)

    try neptune cr

  11. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2010

    Re: Rabbit Hunting in the West Kootenays (HELP NEEDED PLEASE)

    Last road on the right before you hit the number 3. Its within spitting distance of it. Seen a few in there within the first few k at the lower elevation last fall. Might be a ways to go on a wild rabbit chase.
    The measure of a man is not how much power he has, it's how he wields it.

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