Thank you again ArcticRed, finally somebody understands what I mean. It is completely legal and I have every right to do. I don't understand why some of you can't wrap your head around it. I don't give a rats ass that you think it's "unethical" and clearly don't understand that this gun is 100% capable putting a immediate kill shot on a wigeon @ 10yds. Come november you will be completely baffled at how it is possible that a .410 and legal hunting methods can give more results than crippled birds. I love to share my harvest with you guys and I love the information and knowledge on here. This thread was about where to find these shells in Canada and I received an answer, I told you my intentions (clearly the wrong idea) and received negative feedback. I considered it and weighed my options, compared the two and didn't really find a reason as to why it is unethical in my eyes or wont work. I have received confirmation from ArcticRed that these shells do work and work at longer ranges too. (I wont shoot at longer range regardless) I don't need any more of this, you are wasting your time from now on. Expect a thread devoted to all the concerned citizens of the HBC public that will involve my review of these shells and how they worked.

It's up to me, you have voiced your opinions and made where you stand clearly