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Thread: Swimmers Tail

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 2006

    Re: Swimmers Tail

    Never heard of it as swimmer's tail. We have 4 goldens and we have always called it dead tail. Had this happen when giving the dog a bath. The wife said not to wash too hard by the base. Looks real painful.
    patience, preperation and perseverance

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    The Island

    Re: Swimmers Tail

    Quote Originally Posted by Foxton Gundogs View Post
    Straight ASPRIN(ASA) will work in the mean time but NOT TYLONOL(ACETAMINOPHIN) it's poison to them.
    Allways check with a vet before you medicate a pet. They just don't respond to meds like a people

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Cedar B.C.

    Re: Swimmers Tail

    Quote Originally Posted by Peter Pepper View Post
    Allways check with a vet before you medicate a pet. They just don't respond to meds like a people
    IF I didn't know it worked and I hadn't cleared it with my VET years ago I wouldn't be giving the advice!!! After about 45 years of dog breeding and training I honestly don't think I would suggest something that I even had the slightest suspision would hurt someones dog!
    Foxton's Cuervo Gold "KEELA" Oct. 2004-June 2017. Always in my blind and my heart.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Nov 2005

    Re: Swimmers Tail

    Watching my dog, and other labs and retrievers swim I came to the conclusion that they don't don't wag their tails much when they swim, but they sure do when they come out. I'm guessing the injury is actually caused by the violent wagging of that wet and therefore extremely heavy tail.

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Cowichan Valley

    Re: Swimmers Tail

    It has more to do with cold and cramped condition them swimming. Dogs use there tail when they try to climb in a boat or turn fast in the water. What happens is the mussle that wraps around the base of the tail like a sheath swells and it cuts off the blood flow to the tail making it hurt like hell and pinches off the nerves so they have no control of their tail.

    It's really noticeable with a Chessie as when they are healthy and alert their tail curls up over their backs, when they have limber tail it just sags behind them. It really sucks when the hunting is hot and you have to leave your best friend home because you know it's the best thing for him. Unfortunately he doesn't care and still wants to go even thought it could cause permanent damage to the dog. Remember guys this is part of their spin and shouldn't be treated lightly, as someone also mentioned I've given my dog aspirin to help alleviate the pain and swelling. Talk to your vet and he'll recommend a dose for the size of the dog.
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