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Thread: What to use??

  1. #61
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    49.2 kms from 10U 687884E 5617178N

    Re: What to use??

    Quote Originally Posted by gmcgilli66 View Post
    Well, today was not a good day. My old buddy Jett Black Jack had a massive seizure this morning. He's lost the use of his hind quarters and is very disoriented.
    We have an appointment with the vet at 2:20 today. It is unlikely he'll be making the return trip with us.
    He welcomed Spring just a few short days ago and I guess that's all that can be expected. Rest easy, old buddy!
    Sorry about you canine buddy. It's hard to reconcile his passing, but it would be harder
    to reconcile his suffering.
    ".....It will be far easier to limit and undo the follies of a Trudeau government than to restore the necessary common sense and good judgment to a depraved electorate willing to have such a man for their prime minister......​"

  2. #62
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Cedar B.C.

    Re: What to use??

    Quote Originally Posted by gmcgilli66 View Post
    What an incredible group of people you are! Thank you so much for your kind words. Unfortunately, the site was down for maintenance when we returned from the vet and I didn't get to reply right away!
    I'm glad I was not hasty to reach the decision to put him down. Following his massive seizure, He lost the use of his hind end, was seriously confused and things looked very bad for him. Within 2 hours, his strength partially returned and he was able to walk, although very weak, and his confusion cleared up. We went to the vet, explained the circumstances and received the advice to wait and see. It turned out to be good advice!!
    5 days later, he seems as good as he has been in the last few months. wants to retrieve a bit, play with the pup a bit, and has regained some appetite.
    I am so glad I didn't act quickly !!
    I guess the lesson for me is to continue to think things through and to react with caution to frivilous, however well-intentioned, advice....
    Once more, thanks to all for your care and concern for "Our Jett". His time will come, just not today!!

    Made me smile!

  3. #63
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Abbotsford BC

    Re: What to use??

    Congrats, on his recovery and more time together. Sounds like he may be part cat having a few extra lives in there.

  4. #64
    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    Re: What to use??

    Quote Originally Posted by gmcgilli66 View Post
    What an incredible group of people you are! Thank you so much for your kind words. Unfortunately, the site was down for maintenance when we returned from the vet and I didn't get to reply right away!
    I'm glad I was not hasty to reach the decision to put him down. Following his massive seizure, He lost the use of his hind end, was seriously confused and things looked very bad for him. Within 2 hours, his strength partially returned and he was able to walk, although very weak, and his confusion cleared up. We went to the vet, explained the circumstances and received the advice to wait and see. It turned out to be good advice!!
    5 days later, he seems as good as he has been in the last few months. wants to retrieve a bit, play with the pup a bit, and has regained some appetite.
    I am so glad I didn't act quickly !!
    I guess the lesson for me is to continue to think things through and to react with caution to frivilous, however well-intentioned, advice....
    Once more, thanks to all for your care and concern for "Our Jett". His time will come, just not today!!
    The "Today" arrived June 10.
    The rest of the story:
    Jett was on an up and down ride for April and May. He had mostly good days but was obviously slowing down quickly. He continued to enjoy his fence patrol duties around our 3/4 acre although he couldn't navigate the river trail's steep grade. He slept a great deal and seemed to benefit from the Metacam prescribed in May by our vet. ( a big thanks to Dr. Brendan Matthews for his practical side to Jett's care) All was going along smoothly with only one more seizure in May. He would play with Gemma, our Schnoodle, briefly and then watch the frolic from the cool lawn. All was good until 11 PM on the night of June 9. He suffered another massive seizure. During the course of that night he experienced 9 more massive seizures that were 10 to 15 minutes' duration. By 4 in the morning, he could barely lift his head and no muscular control remaining.
    It was heart wrenching to watch his suffering. I called our vet's call-out and was advised to have him there at opening. (Which I would have done anyway!)
    It all happened very quickly.
    What would I have done differently? I'm not sure other than to have a strong contingency plan ready to roll. He went to bed healthy and aware and within 9 hours was gone. Sure, I could have euthanized him while he was still relatively healthy and aware, but that did not seem like the best choice at the time for him.
    Rest peacefully, old boy!

  5. #65
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Fort McMurray, AB

    Re: What to use??

    Very sorry to hear of your loss. RIP Jett.

  6. #66
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Vanderhoof. BC

    Re: What to use??

    sorry bout the loss of your family member no words can help just remember all the good times youve had over the years

  7. #67
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Cedar B.C.

    Re: What to use??

    Condolances to you and your family
    Foxton's Cuervo Gold "KEELA" Oct. 2004-June 2017. Always in my blind and my heart.

  8. #68
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: What to use??

    Sorry to hear about the loss of your boy...yet glad you and Jett enjoyed your remaining time together

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