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Thread: another atv death

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    duncan bc

    Angry another atv death

    Looks like another young fella has paid the price for his parents stupidity in Ottawa Ont while riding an "adult sized atv unsupervised".

    How many youngsters have to die before people figure out that the warning labels attached to an atv are there for a reason. It is a machine, like a 747 would you let your kid play on that? Ok maybe not a 747 but a ceasna is smaller so a 9 year old should be able to handle it right.
    I say rather than make me responsible for the untimely demise of this or any child by imposing laws that are really more or less common sense and more revenue generating fee's, hold both parents responsible for his death and charge them with reckless endangerment, endangerment of a child, negligence causing bodily harm and man slaughter. I puts me into a fury that these dough heads will walk away grieving a lost child (near enough to punishment) but otherwise thinking it was an accident.
    I would never want to experiance their pain but many more will unless the real problem is addressed, which i believe to be complacency, IT KILLS.
    No helmets on bikes skateboards scooters I see this everyday. People need to learn from this bring it into the media big style but not the way that they do. IT WAS NOT THE FAULT OF THE MACHINE, it was the fault of complacent, irresponsible parents.
    Some of us are born into greatness, some have it thrust upon them.......I've had to scratch and claw to achieve mediocraty

    Citizens own firearms, subjects don't

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  3. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Walnut Grove, Langley

    Re: another atv death

    I read the report on Gunnutz, it's too bad that the parents didn't think smarter sooner, but they have paid a price I am not be willing to pay.
    Take a kid hunting its more rewarding than shooting an animal yourself!!

  4. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2004

    Re: another atv death

    Its the "MORE FRIGGING LAWS" that usually spin out of these incidents that really bother me. You can't legislate stupidity!
    l am firm believer of people being responsible for their own actions, the good, bad and the dumb......without more government interference and meddling in our lives, usually in the name of safety.
    I remember reading on the LUFA web site a few years ago that our various levels of government (local, municipal, regional, provincial, federal) in act 1,200 laws and bylaw a day in Canada! Is it no wonder common sense is a dying characteristic.
    That being said, it is sad to read of a child's death which could have been totally preventable....
    “To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.”- Voltaire

  5. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    duncan bc

    Re: another atv death

    Quote Originally Posted by 416
    l am firm believer of people being responsible for their own actions, the good, bad and the dumb......without more government interference and meddling in our lives, usually in the name of safety.

    My point exactly
    Some of us are born into greatness, some have it thrust upon them.......I've had to scratch and claw to achieve mediocraty

    Citizens own firearms, subjects don't

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