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Thread: sheep pack weight ?????

  1. #101
    Join Date
    Apr 2006

    Re: sheep pack weight ?????

    I have used internal and external frame packs, for me the Barneys has been the only pack that would stand up over a period of time to the level I need it to.. The barneys can hold all the weight and more than I can pack, it has served us well for packing fairly large loads of meat for many hours, it also has worked well for getting our camps into remote places, I remove the top bar when in steep country for climbing purposes, as far as fit goes it has plenty of adjustments to make the pack "fit" to your body, my experience has been that lots of people have packs that will fit properly , they just lack the experience or knowledge of how to make it fit...The majority of our party has now switched to these this point in my hunting career, barneys is the way to go..

  2. #102
    Devilbear Guest

    Re: sheep pack weight ?????

    For the poster who asked, Mystery Ranch packs are not sold in stores in Canada and are best purchased by phoning them and discussing your needs. The NICE 6500 combo is the most versatile and, with Long Pockets and a couple Fliptop boxes, will cost you $900.00+ delivered in BC. There are two similar models, the 7500 is the largest and these packs will outlast you, my oldest and heavily used pack from the maker of MR is now pushing 33 years old and is in excellent shape.

    The same situation obtains with the Barney's, one must buy them from Barney's Sports Chalet in Alaska; they are very nice people to deal with and they stock the best gear, Integral Designs, Hilleberg, and other state of the art equipment that makes a tough hunt both easier and safer.

    Look at the NICE systems and the Kodiak internal, my BDSB is the original version of this, made for the US Navy Seals and is simply a fabulous pack, slightly more capable under really heavy loads than the Kodiak due to a heavier frame.

    These and the expedition McHales are the only internals I hav found that will carry 75+ lb. loads in comfort; I have had US-made Gregory Denali, two Kifarus, Lowe Alpine Systems US-made, several CampTrails, Fjallraven, Karrimore from the UK in the days when they were worldclass and used Arcteryx, and a number of others. I wouldn't own a WW and none of the above have equaled the MRs for durability and comfort under heavy loads, this is 100+ lbs.

    Guys like Deaddog, BCRams and other totally obsessed sheepists here have a lot of good advice and I would really listen to what they say and also am awaiting Carl's comments on his Barney's. A good frame pack will always be easier to carry really heavy and awkward loads with while a good internal will be better in climbing, skiing, wriggling through Devil's Club and can be worn on a horse. Several options and I am not as impressed by some of the emerging very light "cool" packs as others might be, but, I am not spending my coin on trippy camo clothing from "boutique" makers, either.
    Last edited by Devilbear; 01-05-2011 at 08:13 AM.

  3. #103
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Old Mill Road

    Re: sheep pack weight ?????

    Quote Originally Posted by Deaddog View Post
    I have used internal and external frame packs, for me the Barneys has been the only pack that would stand up over a period of time to the level I need it to.. The barneys can hold all the weight and more than I can pack, it has served us well for packing fairly large loads of meat for many hours, it also has worked well for getting our camps into remote places, I remove the top bar when in steep country for climbing purposes, as far as fit goes it has plenty of adjustments to make the pack "fit" to your body, my experience has been that lots of people have packs that will fit properly , they just lack the experience or knowledge of how to make it fit...The majority of our party has now switched to these this point in my hunting career, barneys is the way to go..
    Thanks Deaddog. Always helps to get stuff "straight from the horse's mouth" as the saying goes.

    Have you or your crew had a chance to compare head-2-head with the Mystery Ranch packs?

    I ask because I have the MR already, but I'd really like to know if the Barney is really worth "upgrading" to.
    "If you want to hunt beasts you don't see every day,
    You have to go places quite out-of-the-way.
    You have to go places no others can get to,
    You have to get cold and you have to get wet, too."
    - Dr. Seuss

  4. #104
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Old Mill Road

    Re: sheep pack weight ?????

    Quote Originally Posted by bigwhiteys View Post
    I am not slagging either, I own both!

    Hi Carl,

    I should have been more clear, but I was trying to post from my bberry, and the damn website kept logging me out between starting a reply and pressing the post button! So I was too quick...

    I was agreeing with your response to BCRams, and adding that from a capacity perspective, he was making an unfair comparison. Thought you might want to make that clear in your review when you are done the testing.

    "If you want to hunt beasts you don't see every day,
    You have to go places quite out-of-the-way.
    You have to go places no others can get to,
    You have to get cold and you have to get wet, too."
    - Dr. Seuss

  5. #105
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    PG Baby!

    Re: sheep pack weight ?????

    Quote Originally Posted by Stone Sheep Steve View Post
    TS- You must be expecting to see lots of game taking a big bucket of bullets like that. I try to limit myself to one full ice cream pail.

    Heck yeah! From what I read in your and BC Rams story, one get's jumped by sheep all the time and charged by grizzlies too. So I have lot's of ammo to practice quick reloads and for the "pray and spray" shooting I'm bound to do in them thare mountains!!!

    I hope you noticed I have a target setup in my basement...

    From what you and BC Rams say, I' surprised you do any hunting at all. Seems that you are out there on a culinary delight expedition, eating jerky bits and ice cream...

  6. #106
    Join Date
    Apr 2004

    Re: sheep pack weight ?????

    Quote Originally Posted by Kody94 View Post
    Hi Carl,

    I was agreeing with your response to BCRams, and adding that from a capacity perspective, he was making an unfair comparison. Thought you might want to make that clear in your review when you are done the testing.

    The 'bag' capacity is a little more but as Carl says, not much more than a milk jug. At the same time, you can also picture your food bag as being a bit bigger than a milk jug for 8 days. Thats considerable space. With the Hunter .... myself and others have further improvised utilizing that 'space' outside the bag on the bottom by folding the bench in and securing the sleeping bag on bottom which combined leaves a lot of space inside the bag for boned sheep meat, cape etc.

    You should get a look at your buddies Barney. It took Deaddog all of 2 minutes looking at mine in the parking lot of Timmies to decide to order 3 or 4 of them.

    Here's an example when you get that ram early in a hunt and you have 12 days left....half a ram, cape and horns and a lot of miles to cover moving camp up and down mountains to the next planned camp to hunt a different range. Most know just how much food space there is with 2 weeks worth. By the time the food was gone, it was enough to take the remaining ram meat but it wasn't necessary as we only took 1 ram that trip and I carried my share. Some of you may recognize my good buddy here. We were cautious in one area with lots of grizzly sign

    Last edited by BCrams; 01-05-2011 at 09:42 AM.

  7. #107
    Join Date
    Jan 2006

    Re: sheep pack weight ?????

    Quote Originally Posted by BCrams View Post
    The 'bag' capacity is a little more but as Carl says, not much more than a milk jug. However, with the Hunter .... myself and others have improvised utilizing that 'space' outside the bag on the bottom by folding the bench in and securing the sleeping bag on bottom which combined leaves a considerable amount of space inside the bag for boned sheep meat, cape etc.

    You should get a look at your buddies Barney. It took Deaddog all of 2 minutes looking at mine in the parking lot of Timmies to decide to order 3 or 4 of them.

    I hope they make their back packs better then what they do with their website. They have been updating it for over 2 years now.


  8. #108
    Join Date
    Nov 2005

    Re: sheep pack weight ?????

    Would the Tatonka Lastenkraxe be worth looking into if one could get a good deal on it?

  9. #109
    Devilbear Guest

    Re: sheep pack weight ?????

    My opinion is that the Tatonka is an excellent pack and value for the price; however, there are better options for serious wilderness backpack hunting.

    Do any of you Barney's users live in the Lower Mainland as I am stuck here for about another two years and would love to check one out,,,can provide BEER in payment!

  10. #110
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Qualicum Beach

    Re: sheep pack weight ?????

    Is this going to be your final pack job? My MR fully loaded up, is smaller and with a lower profile.

    This is on day 1 of my last hunt. The pack is loaded up, but I still have all the room that the main compartment extends, which is quite a bit more., the bag is also not expanded all the way, front/back. It's got plenty of room.

    Here is the pack after several days hunting, it's deflated quite a bit now that we've eaten most of our food. Plenty of room for a ram.

    myself and others have improvised utilizing that 'space' outside the bag on the bottom by folding the bench in and securing the sleeping bag on bottom which combined leaves a considerable amount of space inside the bag for boned sheep meat, cape etc.
    The MR has a large lower compartment... It's just fully covered, and not a meat shelf like the barneys. My valandre sleeping bag compresses to about the size of a large nalgene, and can fit in an outer pocket, or the main compt. if needed.

    My clothes, sleeping bag and sleeping pad, can all fit in the lower compartment, leaving the upper for just meat,cape,horns.

    My tent always rides on the back, strapped on.

    Don't Go Ninja'n Nobody, Don't Need Ninja'n!

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