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Thread: UBBC Bowhunter Survey

  1. #151
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Toon town

    Re: UBBC Bowhunter Survey

    Quote Originally Posted by J_T View Post
    I think for the most part the GOABC reps on reg 4 are quite reasonable. They present their views but don't kick up a fuss (at the regional level) when a decision goes in a direction they don't want.

    My concern is the amount of change to proposals that occurs after it leaves region. And this is where the biggest impact to Garth's ideas and decisions comes in. It must be very defeating for him. I think the regional consultation process is required, but I'm concerned about its effectiveness. Seems the lobby effort within Victoria has more power. And I'm not sure it should have any.

    In terms of science based decisions, Garth is very effective in presenting reasons why we can have a discussion on something and I think most of us accept his information. There are those like yourself that provide good data to support his information. Once he provides the science behind a decision it's our responsibility to have fair discussion on the social side of how we implement something. And to identify the opportunities.

    We'll never really get away from hunters wanting to be biologists Andy but I think most on the reg 4 committee respect Garth, Dave, Tara and know their role is to discuss opportunities and present their perspective rather than beat something down.

    Now the WK elk, well, that's just a different matter all together....
    What happens at some meetings and what happens behind closed doors are two completely and totally different things. Same with the flawed consultation system.
    Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.


  2. #152
    Join Date
    May 2004

    Re: UBBC Bowhunter Survey

    Guys, don't think I'm naive. I get it. I completely understand why the GOABC don't raise issue at our meetings. They sit in primarily to hear our perspective. They know they are more effective in Victoria through political channels. Not much different than residents. GOABC also have the effect of PHRAAC. From my experience, they overwhelm residents there.

    I'm going to put my effort into the regional process because that's what we're asked to do and the opportunity we're given. Yup, sounds idealistic. Why not buy in to the process dictated by Government management and lead by example? Make it work. Sure, I call Victoria from time to time. Mostly to ensure they aren't bowing to political pressure from disgruntled hunting groups.

    GG I've seen the work behind closed doors. There seems to be a tendency to say one thing and let you believe another, and then do something completely different. Can't say it earns my respect.

  3. #153
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Toon town

    Re: UBBC Bowhunter Survey

    Quote Originally Posted by J_T View Post
    Guys, don't think I'm naive. I get it. I completely understand why the GOABC don't raise issue at our meetings. They sit in primarily to hear our perspective. They know they are more effective in Victoria through political channels. Not much different than residents. GOABC also have the effect of PHRAAC. From my experience, they overwhelm residents there.

    I'm going to put my effort into the regional process because that's what we're asked to do and the opportunity we're given. Yup, sounds idealistic. Why not buy in to the process dictated by Government management and lead by example? Make it work. Sure, I call Victoria from time to time. Mostly to ensure they aren't bowing to political pressure from disgruntled hunting groups.

    GG I've seen the work behind closed doors. There seems to be a tendency to say one thing and let you believe another, and then do something completely different. Can't say it earns my respect.
    You can't make a process that is fundamentally flawed, work. There will be changes to the public consultation system.

    As far as the rest of it, it's really not worth getting into. You're seeing a fraction of what goes on in public, never mind in private - that's regional and provincial. Anyways.
    Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.


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