Howdy gang,
I just got back from the cabin. Saw lots of game. I even saw two bulls sparring with the cow just standing watching. I watched them for about 1/2 hour. Started a walk on them freom 1000 yards and they finally stopped fighting and bolted when I got to 150 yards or so. Saw two more walking the tracks on the way out of the bush too.

Also saw a black lynx. I thought it was a bob or somthing because I didn't think Lynx were black, but I was talking to and old trapper tonight and he saays oh yeah there are black lynx and they are worth a fortune. Any way I aint a trapper yet so it was enough for me just see this guy. It was a great trip. Got a nice feed of grouse too.

Got some pics I'll post here ina bit, maybe you guys can help out. It's waht I thought was a grizzly scrape but now I am thinking it's a moose rub. Anyway I'll post the pics in a new thread and some thoughts too.

Thanks eh!