Quote Originally Posted by Livewire322 View Post
Why? There’s nothing stopping a person from hunting there - just need a horse, pedal power, or lots of boot sole.

The problem with transposing data from one source to another is that changes to the original aren’t always captured in documents that reference the original (i.e., if the LEH maps contained motor vehicle closures, they would need to update them every time the MV closures change - think wildfires, FN issues, etc…). Static data like waterbodies and park boundaries are fine, because they rarely change. In the case of dynamic elements like MV closure boundaries and private land holdings, the onus is on outdoor users to verify across all sources what is or isn’t allowed.

If the government was expected to coordinate data between all sources, we’d foot the bill by way of increased taxes, which we’d all piss and moan about, so I’m happy to leave the legwork on myself.
Its just a matter of a few key strokes these days, just another layer. The map in the Reg synopsis is printed every two years, for detailed leh the link shows the best map Gub can come up with. whats the point of a detailed map if it doesn't have the best details possible