Bit of backstory on myself. I grew up in Vancouver my whole life and always was fascinated by guns and hunting. My grandpa always wanted to take me but never got the chance before he passed. I've applied for my PAL and am planning on doing CORE when I'm back from school this summer. Sadly, none of my family hunts and I'm wondering how to really get into hunting?

I don't have a car, but spend a lot of time on the Sunshine Coast in the Sechelt area. Unfortunately, I'm at university in Ontario during most of the hunting season, and I'm only back for a week in October and a bit of December. I was gifted a pair of Mavens B1.2 by my dad, but he seems uninterested in actually going out with me. I hope to do backcountry hunts in the future as I've hiked a decent amount in the past, but with my knowledge and experience this doesn't seem to be a possibility in the near future. I guess my question is since I don't know any hunters how do I really immerse myself into the hobby with limited resources and knowledge? How do I learn how to process game and various things like that, that I feel are best learned hands on?