Quote Originally Posted by high horse Hal View Post
Sourdough has been the answer to bread sensitivities ? How does that work?
Basic Sourdough is only supposed to have a few ingredients(water, salt, flour and maybe sugar), vs store bought bread which has 20-30 different things in it. You have to wonder what you’re eating when it costs $2-3 per loaf and doesn’t mould or go stale.

Bread doesn’t seem to digest in my stomach very well. It seems to sit there for days. I can eat some sourdough and be fine, but if I gorge myself on it than it does the same thing as regular bread. I quit eating bread altogether for a few years until I ran into a Ukrainian guy from red Deere who grew his own wheat and milled it himself. I’ve tried all kinds of his baking and been completely fine. Not sure if it’s the commercial yeast, genetically modified wheat or all of the preservatives, but something in it doesn’t agree with me or my oldest.

and I just had a sandwich with that rye bread from the top with some corned beef, mustard and a pickle. You can’t buy anything that tastes that good in a store