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Thread: Evanguy's first successful big game hunt

  1. #11
    Join Date
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    Gambier island

    Re: Evanguy's first successful big game hunt


  2. #12
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    Re: Evanguy's first successful big game hunt


  3. #13
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    Re: Evanguy's first successful big game hunt


  4. #14
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    Re: Evanguy's first successful big game hunt


  5. #15
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    Re: Evanguy's first successful big game hunt


  6. #16
    Join Date
    Aug 2021
    Gambier island

    Re: Evanguy's first successful big game hunt

    Well this story isn't as great as my mountain goat story but it was still a good time.

    It started raining in the morning so I wasn't doing much today and though I should go see if I can't find any mule deer bucks there are always tons of doe's around, I have access to a 330 acre property with about 50 acres of old fields. So Brooklyn and I set out in the rain looking for some deer in the fields, we are more into spot and stalk then still hunting. after being out for an hour or so see a nice sized tall racked 3x3 about 600 yards away. I was using my old sporter Lee Enfield 303 with irons sights on it (same rifle from the goat hunt) so I wanted the shot to be under 100 yards ideally.

    We walked slowly through the field making our way over on the tree line over to about 200 yards away from where the deer was. When we get there we see 2 more doe's and a fawn but cant see the 3x3. we close the distance more and more thinking he may have just stepped into the woods. We get within 60 yards of the doe's and fawn and wait, as we watch these 3 deer for about 2 minutes and a little spike horn buck walks out at about 60 yards with the other deer. We waited maybe 5 more minutes and then we couldn't find the 3x3 so we figured let's get this little buck.

    Just then I realize my rifle isn't loaded so as I load that as quietly as I can I don't end up using enough force to do it in one smooth motion so I'm fiddling with that and the little buck starts to walk away leaving the does and fawn. I get the rifle ready and aim at him waiting for a broadside shot but he just steadily walks away from me, so I make a little noise and he turns to see what's up. BANG, he jumps once and walks about 15' and lays down.

    We stayed back and marked the area we were in and went for the Kubota side by side and dry clothes, it had stopped raining and we didn't have to walk though the field any more.

    we got back to the deer and it was still where it was laying and for sure dead so we took these pics and started on field dressing it.

    the bullet went in farther back then I had hoped, the deer was simi quartered away. The unlucky part is it went through the top of the stomach, the lucky part was the way the deer was standing. It went through its lungs too and into its other side's shoulder so it didn't go anywhere. You can see in the pic where the bullet entered.

    so the meat inside the ribs is kind of gross due to the stomach opening up in the chest cavity and that made gutting it stink too lol. I washed it off with the hose and now it's hanging in my shed with the cavity held open with a stick. When the bullet went into the shoulder from the inside stomach stuff got in that meat, I washed it lots but it still looks different then the fresh meat. (I cut that spoiled meat out and followed the bullet path)

    so that's my first ever deer, now I have 2 big game animals on my list. I think I want Mountain Sheep or Caribou for my 3rd


  7. #17
    Join Date
    Aug 2021
    Gambier island

    Re: Evanguy's first successful big game hunt

    I was looking at the bullet today and figured id post pics of it. it really came apart.

    on the way in it broke 2 ribs, then passed through the stomach and 1 lung, then broke 3 more ribs as it went thought the other size of the rib cage and busted the shoulder bone into little fragments and stopped about an inch below on the hide of the opposite side I shot.

    150gr Hornady .312" spire point traveling at 2500fps from about 50 yards.

    it did weigh 150gr now it weights 80.2gr


  8. #18
    Join Date
    Jan 2007

    Re: Evanguy's first successful big game hunt

    Thanks for the stories! Nice blacktail too! Congrats on raising her right.
    WSSBC Life Member

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Oct 2009

    Re: Evanguy's first successful big game hunt

    Very cool had seen the short version on another site, great to see your daughter out there experiencing the great outdoors.

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Jul 2009

    Re: Evanguy's first successful big game hunt

    Now that was great ! Beautiful pictures ! Good to see your daughter out there with you !
    Thanks for posting that up !
    Arctic Lake
    Member of CCFR Would encourage you all to join today !
    Read Teddy Roosevelt “ The Man In The Arena “ !

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