Ok all cool info.

As to scents I never bother to use them, but I did have an amazing experience eons ago, when I didn't have a clue what I was doing.

It went like this: my brother and I were up north of Windy Lake, NE of Swan Hills, Ab.
I had some brand(?) of commercial Cow In Heat scent, soaked in a strip of cloth, rolled up in a 35mm film canister.
I had been sitting some time, when I remembered I had that stuff, so took it out and hung it on a small birch right in behind me.

After an hour or so sitting I got up and took a stroll to the north. My brother was situated 300 yards or something like that to the south of me.

Eventually I made my way back to where my brother was...

Brother: "Did you hear that crack in the bush?"
Me: "Nope, didn't hear anything..."
Brother: "So that wasn't you?"
Me (oblivious): "Nope. Not me..."

And neither of us were smart enough to think what could possibly have made that noise, we never followed it up.
A pair of noobs...

Today I would know better, but after a bit we just left there and headed home.

Well we went back there the next morning and the small birch tree I had hung the strip of scented cloth in had been reduced from a nice 4' tall tree to about 12" high. Just shredded!
I followed the tracks of the bull that had done that, to where he had been bedded, maybe 150yds east of me.

The bull had scented the fake cow in heat urine, stood up and literally had hit a dead standing Poplar with his antler. The marks were clearly visible hammered into the bare trunk.
And then he had walked directly to that small birch and pulverized it.

But I still never bother with the scents, call me cheap.