Hey Guys, this will be my first thread finally figured out how to start one been trying for a while hahaha.

I have been Hunting since I was 11, never tried to get an Elk before but pretty determined to try and get one next season. I am going to be scouting and have boughten some books on Elk behaviour and have been using the internet to research and a bugle and a cow call. I live in Maple Ridge, my initial plan was to try Princeton because that is the closest location with a GO season and scout almost every weekend starting late winter until opening. But I am thinking my efforts may be better rewarded elsewhere. I am not sure yet whether I should go to the Kootenays or up North. North will be harder for me to make it on as many scouting trips. But am not sure if scouting is as important with Elk because from what I have gathered so far they are frequently moving/migrating? I will be doing a backpacking trip.

I am just wondering if anyone would recommend either region 7 or region 4, and why? and any advice in general really would be appreciated. I don't have a jetboat or money for a fly-in or anything like that but I could cross a river in a canoe or a packraft but nothing really more not next year anyway. I have been looking at places on maps in region 4 and have some places in mind but of course won't know until I arrive there really.

Feel free to PM me

I have seen a massive 7 point bull that I got nice pics of in region 8 but figure the odds are better in region 7 or 4

I'm not sure if I will try Archery or Rifle yet, but leaning towards rifle. With the amount of time and money I will be putting in I would like to increase my odds as much as I could.