Can't figured out why the ducks are decoy shy already. This is my 49 year hunting ducks and geese. I sort know what I am doing. Yes I have couple new HBC members hunting with me and they all dress in full camo from head to toe. I even went out 35 feet to see how they look like inside my duck blind. It looks perfect. Good concealment. I even put extra brushes and grass on the side of blind. Still they either circle once or twice and never committed into flying closer. Usually the widgeon are dumbest ducks around and are first to land among my decoys but not this year. Pintail and Greenhead are one wariest ducks around that's my opinion. It's so bad I committed myself into shooting widgeon which is bottom of list in shooting ducks. Normally I just shoot greenheads and drake pintails. This morning I didn't bother setting up robo ducks made no difference. Still spooky.
There are not a lot other hunters shooting today. I was joking around telling the guys Its our fault that we missed the ducks previous season and they went on to breed and produced smart gene ducklings to avoid this area. Then again shooting and getting Canada geese this season has been awesome. Go figured.