I don't post a lot, so figured I'd talk about my unsuccessful hunt.
I pretty much hunt Saturdays exclusively because of work. That makes it tough, but I thought I had a really good spot picked out. Tons of sign everywhere, but I was only seeing 4 or 5 bears a day, and no shooters. I walked in on the same brown sow with cubs on 3 or 4 separate occasions; always in different areas across the 5 or 6km I was hunting. Saw quite a few sows with cubs, but no boars...
The one shooter I saw was at last light, end of the season, but he sniffed me out and was gone.
I will say though, that I've already seen more bucks this year, than all of last year (mule deer and white tail).
Hope you guys enjoy a few pics, and hopefully I can knock down a boar this fall.

Anyone know what's up with the eyes in the first pick? Looks like it's missing fur in perfect circles around both eyes.