When I look at HBC these days it seems that over half the posts are in Open Chat, covid, politics, residential schools etc. Not to say that those things aren't important however I wanted to start a thread to get everyone excited for and focused on this upcoming seasons hunt.

So let's hear some stories about your best call in... did a bull elk almost step on you? charged by a bull moose? rattle in an amazing blacktail buck?

I'll start, sorry no pictures. Our group had the moose draw in 5-15D, we were driving between Wells & Barkerville and saw a bull out in that huge swampy plain north of the highway, those that have been there will know of the area that I'm talking about. I stopped the truck and let out a few cow calls although we didn't know if we could shoot in that area. Well, that bull starting coming in towards us, we were in two vehicles so one of the guys raced back into Wells to find out from some locals we had just talked to to see if we could shoot in that area, days before iHunter and Huntbuddy.

That bull came in hot, crossed over the highway right in front of our truck and an RV coming the other way and dropped into another meadow on the other side of the highway. We circled back and drove up a small road that climbed up above the meadow that the bull just dropped into, my wife was at the back of the truck and my buddy and I were sitting on the roof of the truck. I let out a few more cow calls and waited. I was looking down into this meadow in the direction where I thought the bull might come in from. My buddy spotted the bull coming in from a different direction and said, 'hey theres the bull'.

Again, it was making a bee line for us, when it was about 40 yards away with all these willows and thick crap down below us and it was coming up to road and it just blasted through all those thick willows. When it was still down below in the willows I told my wife and friend to get into the truck! It walked up right in front of the truck and went up into the forest above.

At that point our other friend came back and told us that we couldn't shoot in the original area where we spotted the bull and it turns out that there was private land in the area that we were now in. It was quite the experience though, calling that bull in a few times and it coming right to us, crazy how they can pinpoint your exact location from calling.

What call in experiences have you guys had?