Quote Originally Posted by willyqbc View Post
What I do know, is there is a group of people who feel horribly wronged.

In all honesty, do you think their feeling about that is valid? They were here. European monarchs sent people came and claim the land that First Nations lived on. In Canada the European monarch agreed that the First Nations were here first and had title and that only the Crown could alienate it from the First Nations (take a gander at the Declaration of Independence - people at the time understood what the King was doing and cited it as a reason to revolt). As a couple centuries unfolded the First nations got a sort of a raw deal and the Crown, repeatedly, and to be forced to live up to it's obligations (and they're still being forced). They have been kidnapped by force and separated from their families. They've been subject to special laws because of their race. They have worse life outcomes on many, many measures than average Canadian citizens.

Quote Originally Posted by willyqbc View Post
They are being told by the courts that they have a legal right to complete control of at least a portion of the land base.

Not quite. They're being told by the courts, including the Supreme Court of Canada, what the judges in each court have determined that the law says. I'm not asking that you like those judges or their decisions, but the Courts aren't going to First Nations and advising them on stuff. The FNs hire lawyers and pursue their claims in the Canadian legal system (again, that's "whitey's" court, not an Indigenous court).

It used to be illegal in Canada for First Nations to hire lawyers to pursue their rights, and it used to be illegal for them to raise funds to do the same thing. That's one of the reason it took them so long to win in whitey's court system. It used to be illegal for them to try.

Quote Originally Posted by willyqbc View Post
What in your experience tells you that in this scenario, that the FN "want" to negotiate a damn thing??

A couple things. First, there are already FNs negotiating and collaborating on some things. Second, there are many areas where the interests of FNs and non-Indigenous hunters, anglers and conservationists align (anywhere we protect habitat or do predator control there's a really good chance that FNs are involved and a pretty good chance that they're leading the efforts). Third, most FNs don't have the capacity to do everything they need or want to do. Many Indigenous people point this out.

Quote Originally Posted by willyqbc View Post
....the reality is that the courts will decide it all, regardless of what gov't is in place, and regardless of what the general public thinks.

Um, it has always been that way whenever things can't be sorted out or negotiated without resorting to legal remedy, and that's a good thing. Would you rather that legal interpretations change with popular opinion or with whatever government is in power? WE have tried really hard to avoid that in any system based on British Constitutional law, and it is a way better approach than say....Mexico, Russia, China. Personally, I'lll take it even if I don't like all the decisions.

Quote Originally Posted by willyqbc View Post
i'm sure this post will be interpreted as the rantings of an evil, racist, uncaring colonizer, but thats the problem with all these discussions today....if your not following the liberal left narrative, you're not welcome in the discussion. Truly free and open discussion is DEAD in this country, on a myriad of topics.

It isn't interpreted that way by me. What I read from you were expressions of exasperation because you live in a country that has historically had some pretty good examples of stupid leadership. As I sometimes say "We aren't a 1st World country, but we identify as one". FFS, we can't get clean water to First Nations who live in a country that has freshwater coming out of it's ass.

You've also never heard me say "You can't talk about that". I'm a free speech absolutist and I'm *inviting people to talk*! You may *feel* like you are being silenced, but take that complaint to someone who's doing it. I'm actually inviting you to register, submit questions and give feedback.......

.....assuming you're a BCWF member. If you're not, join a BCWF club (again, mine will let you join) or become a direct member. (Little secret: we're not going to check your ID when you submit a question or register).

Now...how about you being honest: is there any politician who has a) a chance of getting into power anywhere in Canada who will b) not follow the direction of the Supreme Court of Canada and the Constitution as far as truth and Reconciliation goes? (Translation: do you honestly think the cavalry is coming to save you or do you understand that you need to do this yourself, here and now, with whatever tools you've got?)