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Thread: Preserve your Right to Hunt

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2008

    Preserve your Right to Hunt

    I thought I had previously posted this, but it looks like I overlooked it.

    Grizzly bear hunting was banned in BC and now there are efforts in place to ban the wolf hunt. Will it stop there, or is all hunting under attack? Predator hunting, trophy hunting, and “the social licence to operate” is what this episode is all about. I speak with Steve Hamilton and Greg Rensmaag of the Wild Sheep Society of BC and the Talk is Sheep Podcast about this emotionally charged topic and what is the best way to work in harmony with nature and to pragmatically protect our natural resources.

    Last edited by Silvercore; 05-11-2021 at 11:43 AM.

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  3. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Surrey, BC

    Re: Preserve your Right to Hunt

    It's not that hunters can't get together.
    It's that these organizations are fragmenting hunters with having so many organizations doing one thing.
    Instead, all hunters should gather around 1 organization.
    That's the issue.
    Rocky mountain elk, wild sheep, bcwf, yadda yadda...
    People are fatigued.
    1. Human over population
    2. Government burden and overreach

  4. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2013
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    Re: Preserve your Right to Hunt

    Quote Originally Posted by Silvercore View Post
    I thought I had previously posted this, but it looks like I overlooked it.

    Grizzly bear hunting was banned in BC and now there are efforts in place to ban the wolf hunt. Will it stop there, or is all hunting under attack? Predator hunting, trophy hunting, and “the social licence to operate” is what this episode is all about. I speak with Steve Hamilton and Greg Rensmaag of the Wild Sheep Society of BC and the Talk is Sheep Podcast about this emotionally charged topic and what is the best way to work in harmony with nature and to pragmatically protect our natural resources.

    I posted a link to this petition a couple weeks ago:

    Great podcast by the way. Keep it up Travis!

    Quote Originally Posted by adriaticum View Post
    It's not that hunters can't get together.
    It's that these organizations are fragmenting hunters with having so many organizations doing one thing.
    Instead, all hunters should gather around 1 organization.
    That's the issue.
    Rocky mountain elk, wild sheep, bcwf, yadda yadda...
    People are fatigued.
    Trying to get a bunch of hunters to agree on one issue seems like its almost like herding cats sometimes. I agree that it would most definitely be most beneficial if we could all unite behind one organization as we would have much more strength in numbers, as opposed to all these fragmented organizations focusing in on their niche issues.

    That said, all of these organizations do incredible work and for the most part are all focused on the same ultimate goal. Fatigue is absolutely NOT an excuse for apathy
    "It is the first responsibility of every citizen to question authority." - Benjamin Franklin

    "The further a society drifts from truth the more it will hate those who speak it" - George Orwell

  5. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2008

    Re: Preserve your Right to Hunt

    Thank you. I did my best to convey my thoughts as diplomatically as possible, with the hopes that it may provide a slightly different look at the issue that others would be able to build on. The Wild Sheep Society is doing a lot for hunters, and this is an issue that may be bigger for just them to tackle. I am ok with having several differing advocacy groups as competition drives innovation, but perhaps there are some larger overriding issues that all the groups would be able to get behind while still being able to represent the interests of their members. As it stands, Silvercore is happy to support any group or organization that demonstrates they have the best interest of our natural resources, hunters and anglers as their objective.

  6. #5
    Join Date
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    Region 2

    Re: Preserve your Right to Hunt

    I support all organizations listed; heck, I have no intention of ever really sheep hunting and still donate the the WSSBC. I support what they they do.

    That is actually the problem. Every organization mentioned in this thread is First and Foremost a CONSERVATION organization. While many of there members hunt, and they make efforts to promote responsible hunting, at the end of their rope that not is tied to conservation. No ifs, ands or buts.

    There is no group out there that is purely dedicated to representing hunters or even make hunters and hunting their primary focus. Yes, the BCWF has made attempts to lean that way as of late, but they cannot make the jump.

    I am not attacking any of these groups, they all do some wonderful work. But until a real organization with hunters as conservationists and not just conservationists who also hunt we will continue to lose ground.
    I don't shoot innocent animals... Just the ones that look guilty!

  7. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    Re: Preserve your Right to Hunt

    I think is a good idea to be apart of many orgs if possible.
    BCWF is a main stay, imo.
    WSS is a good one, especially if you hunt sheep goat as they are next on the "attack list" by anti's and government.
    Hunters for BC/SCI is another new org, as it is there to help support hunters.
    Local R&G clubs to help in your neck of the woods "So to speak".
    Being on as many of the pro hunting lists as possible is a benefit, imo, just like it is always the same "short list" of antis on the
    dozens upon dozens of Anti orgs.

    Getting all the group of hunters from all orgs to have one main stay platform is what is generally missing.
    Example, one R&G club wants point restriction on everything or doe/cow leh removed when the "real fight" is to just
    "preserve what we have" and to make sure it continuous.

    Too many different agendas at times that actually pull in polar opposites at times and causes they chaos.
    Like sports, you have a team of great individuals, but you always need a "coach".

  8. #7
    Join Date
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    Vancouver Island

    Re: Preserve your Right to Hunt

    We all need to come together and do our part. These anti's will NOT go away but our ability to hunt most certainly will. Put the crap aside and write letters, join organizations and for christ sake we need to quite bickering.

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    Originally Posted by F***** D***
    some "people" tend to use the paneling in the living room to fuel their fires.
    Quote Originally Posted by hunter1947 View Post
    I think I do perrty good for only having grad 7 education

  9. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2014

    Re: Preserve your Right to Hunt

    Funds are the key IMHO. We need an excise tax similar to the PRA and DJA in the states. But include anyone who wants to enjoy the outdoors, hunter/fisher or not, pays to play in the form of gear excise tax. Even all them clowns buying Mec gear and illegally protesting/shutting down logging ffs. All this extra covid cash kicking around is t stopping people from buying overpriced boats to catch/release salmon. Wanna play ya gotta pay.
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